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Abo–Sinna, M. A., and T. H. M. Abou-El-Enien, "An Algorithm for Solving Large Scale Multiple Objective Decision Making Problems Using TOPSIS Approach", Advances in Modelling and Analysis, (Series A: Mathematical, General Mathematical Modelling), vol. 42, issue 6, pp. 31-45, 2005.
Abou-El-Enien, T. H. M., "An Algorithm for Parametric Large Scale Integer Linear Multiple Objective Decision Making Problems", Advances in Modelling and Analysis, (SeriesA: Mathematical, General Mathematical Modelling), vol. 42, issue 4, pp. 51-70, 2005.
El-Sawy, A. A., N.A.El-Khouly, and T. H. M. Abou-El-Enien, "An Algorithm for Decomposing the Parametric Space in Large Scale Linear Vector Optimization Problems: A fuzzy Approach", Journal of Advances in Modelling and Analysis,(C) Systems Analysis, Control &Design Simulation,, vol. 55, issue 2, pp. 1-16, 2000.
El-Sawy, A. A., and T. H. M. Abou-El-Enien, "An Algorithm for Decomposing the Parametric Space in Large Scale Linear Vector Optimization Problems", Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Sciences and Operations Research , ISSR,Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, 4DEc, 1999.