Hossam M. Zawbaa, E. Emary, A. E. Hassanien, and B. PARV,
"A wrapper approach for feature selection based on swarm optimization algorithm inspired from the behavior of social-spiders",
7th IEEE International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, , Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan,, November 13 - 1, 2015.
AbstractIn this paper, a proposed system for feature selection
based on social spider optimization (SSO) is proposed. SSO is
used in the proposed system as searching method to find optimal
feature set maximizing classification performance and mimics
the cooperative behavior mechanism of social spiders in nature.
The proposed SSO algorithm considers two different search
agents (social members) male and female spiders, that simulate
a group of spiders with interaction to each other based on the
biological laws of the cooperative colony. Depending on spider
gender, each spider (individual) is simulating a set of different
evolutionary operators of different cooperative behaviors that are
typically found in the colony. The proposed system is evaluated
using different evaluation criteria on 18 different datasets, which
compared with two common search methods namely particle
swarm optimization (PSO), and genetic algorithm (GA). SSO
algorithm proves an advance in classification performance using
different evaluation indicators
Waleed Yamany, E. Emary, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Wolf Search Algorithm for Attribute Reduction",
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014),, Orlando, Florida, USA, 9-12 Dec., 2014.
AbstractData sets ordinarily includes a huge number of attributes, with irrelevant and redundant attributes. Redundant and irrelevant attributes might minimize the classification accuracy because of the huge search space. The main goal of attribute reduction is choose a subset of relevant attributes from a huge number of available attributes to obtain comparable or even better classification accuracy than using all attributes. A system for feature selection is proposed in this paper using a modified version of the wolf search algorithm optimization. WSA is a bio-inspired heuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the way wolves search for food and survive by avoiding their enemies. The WSA can quickly search the feature space for optimal or near-optimal feature subset minimizing a given fitness function. The proposed fitness function used incorporate both classification accuracy and feature reduction size. The proposed system is applied on a set of the UCI machine learning data sets and proves good performance in comparison with the GA and PSO optimizers commonly used in this context.
Fouad, M. M. M., N. El-Bendary, R. A. Ramadan, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Wireless Sensor Networks, A Medical Perspective",
Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications, pp. 713-732 , USA, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2013.
Elshazly, H. I., A. F. Ali, H. Mahmoud, A. M. Elkorany, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Weighted reduct selection metaheuristic based approach for rules reduction and visualization",
Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2016 International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 274–280, 2016.
Kudelka, M., V. Snásel, Z. Horak, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Web Communities Defined by Web Page Content",
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology , Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp.385-389 , 9-12 December, 2008.
AbstractIn this paper we are looking for a relationship between the intent of Web pages, their architecture and the communities who take part in their usage and creation. For us, the Web page is entity carrying information about these communities. Our paper describes techniques, which can be used to extract mentioned information as well as tools usable in analysis of these information. Information about communities could be used in several ways thanks to our approach. Finally we present an experiment which proves the feasibility of our approach.
Dey, N., A. S. Ashour, S. Chakraborty, S. Banerjee, E. Gospodinova, M. Gospodinov, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Watermarking in Biomedical Signal Processing",
Intelligent Techniques in Signal Processing for Multimedia Security: Springer International Publishing, pp. 345–369, 2017.
Asmaa Hashem Sweidan, N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, and O. M. H. A. E. -karim Mohamed,
"Water Quality Classification Approach based on Bio-inspired Gray Wolf Optimization, ",
7th IEEE International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, , Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, , , November 13 - 15, 2015.
AbstractAbstract—This paper presents a bio-inspired optimized classification approach for assessing water quality. As fish liver histopathology is a good biomarker for detecting water pollution, the proposed classification approach uses fish liver microscopic images in order to detect water pollution and determine water
quality. The proposed approach includes three phases; preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification phases. Color histogram and Gabor wavelet transform have been utilized for feature extraction phase. The Machine Learning (ML) Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classification algorithm has been employed,
along with the bio-inspired Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm for optimizing SVMs parameters, in order to classify water pollution degree. Experimental results showed that the average accuracy achieved by the proposed GWO-SVMs classification approach exceeded 95% considering a variety of
water pollutants.