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Torky, M., R. Baberse, R. Ibrahim, A. E. Hassanien, G. Schaefer, I. Korovin, and S. Y. Zhu, "Credibility investigation of newsworthy tweets using a visualising Petri net model", Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 003894–003898, 2016. Abstract
Torky, M., R. Babers, R. A. Ibrahim, A. E. Hassanien, G. Schaefer, I. Korovin, and S. Y. Zhu, " Credibility investigation of newsworthy tweets using a visualising Petri net model", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), , USA, 9-12 Oct. 2016. Abstract

Investigating information credibility is an important problem in online social networks such as Twitter. Since misleading information can get easily propagated in Twitter, ranking tweets according to their credibility can help to detect rumors and identify misinformation. In this paper, we propose a Petri net model to visualise tweet credibility in Twitter. We consider the uniform resource locator (URL) as an effective feature in evaluating tweet credibility since it is used to identify the source of tweets, especially for newsworthy tweets. We perform an experimental evaluation on about 1000 tweets, and show that the proposed model is effective for assigning tweets to two classes: credible and incredible tweets, which each class being further divided into two sub-classes (“credible” and “seem credible” and “doubtful” and “incredible” tweets, respectively) based on appropriate features.

Toews, M., and T. Arbel, "Parts-Based Appearance Modeling of Medical Imagery", Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications: CRC Press, pp. 291, 2009. Abstract
Tobin, K. W., E. Chaum, J. Gregor, T. P. Karnowski, J. R. Price, and J. Wall, "Image Informatics for Clinical and Preclinical Biomedical Analysis", Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications: CRC Press, pp. 239, 2009. Abstract
Tharwt, A., and A. E. Hassanien, "Particle Swarm Optimization: A Tutorial", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends, USA, IGI, 2017. Abstract

Optimization algorithms are necessary to solve many problems such as parameter tuning. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of these optimization algorithms. The aim of PSO is to search for the optimal solution in the search space. This paper highlights the basic background needed to understand and implement the PSO algorithm. This paper starts with basic definitions of the PSO algorithm and how the particles are moved in the search space to find the optimal or near optimal solution. Moreover, a numerical example is illustrated to show how the particles are moved in a convex optimization problem. Another numerical example is illustrated to show how the PSO trapped in a local minima problem. Two experiments are conducted to show how the PSO searches for the optimal parameters in one-dimensional and two-dimensional spaces to solve machine learning problems.

Tharwatd, A., T. Gaber, and A. E. Hassanien, " One-dimensional vs. two-dimensional based features: Plant identification approach, ", Journal of Applied Logic , vol. Available online 15 November 2017 , 2017. AbstractWebsite

The number of endangered species has been increased due to shifts in the agricultural production, climate change, and poor urban planning. This has led to investigating new methods to address the problem of plant species identification/classification. In this paper, a plant identification approach using 2D digital leaves images was proposed. The approach used two features extraction methods based on one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) and the Bagging classifier. For the 1D-based methods, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Direct Linear Discriminant Analysis (DLDA), and PCA + LDA techniques were applied, while 2DPCA and 2DLDA algorithms were used for the 2D-based method. To classify the extracted features in both methods, the Bagging classifier, with the decision tree as a weak learner was used. The five variants, i.e. PCA, PCA + LDA, DLDA, 2DPCA, and 2DLDA, of the approach were tested using the Flavia public dataset which consists of 1907 colored leaves images. The accuracy of these variants was evaluated and the results showed that the 2DPCA and 2DLDA methods were much better than using the PCA, PCA + LDA, and DLDA. Furthermore, it was found that the 2DLDA method was the best one and the increase of the weak learners of the Bagging classifier yielded a better classification accuracy. Also, a comparison with the most related work showed that our approach achieved better accuracy under the same dataset and same experimental setup.

Tharwat;, A., A. E. Hassanien;, and B. E. Elnaghi, "A BA-based algorithm for parameter optimization of support vector machine", Pattern recognition letter, 2017. AbstractWebsite

Support Vector Machine (SVM) parameters such as kernel parameter and penalty parameter (C) have a great impact on the complexity and accuracy of predicting model. In this paper, Bat algorithm (BA) has been proposed to optimize the parameters of SVM, so that the classification error can be reduced. To evaluate the proposed model (BA-SVM), the experiment adopted nine standard datasets which are obtained from UCI machine learning data repository. For verification, the results of the BA-SVM algorithm are compared with grid search, which is a conventional method of searching parameter values, and two well-known optimization algorithms: Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The experimental results proved that the proposed model is capable to find the optimal values of the SVM parameters and avoids the local optima problem. The results also demonstrated lower classification error rates compared with PSO and GA algorithms.

Terzopoulos, D., C. McIntosh, T. McInerney, and G. Hamarneh, "Deformable Organisms", Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications: Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 433–474, 2009. Abstract
Tarek Gaber, Alaa Tharwat, V. S. A. E. H.:, "Plant Identification: Two Dimensional-Based Vs. One Dimensional-Based Feature Extraction Methods", 10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Spain, july, 2015. Abstract

In this paper, a plant identification approach using 2D digital leaves images is proposed. The approach made use of two methods of features extraction (one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) techniques) and the Bagging classifier. For the 1D-based method, PCA and LDA techniques were applied, while 2D-PCA and 2D-LDA algorithms were used for the 2D-based method. To classify the extracted features in both methods, the Bagging classifier, with the decision tree as a weak learner, was used. The proposed approach, with its four feature extraction techniques, was tested using Flavia dataset which consists of 1907 colored leaves images. The experimental results showed that the accuracy and the performance of our approach, with the 2D-PCA and 2D-LDA, was much better than using the PCA and LDA. Furthermore, it was proven that the 2D-LDA-based method gave the best plant identification accuracy and increasing the weak learners of the Bagging classifier leaded to a better accuracy. Also, a comparison with the most related work showed that our approach achieved better accuracy under the same dataset and same experimental setup.

TarasKotyk, N. D., A. S. Ashour, A. D. C. Victoria, T. Gaber, A. E. Hassanien, and V. Snasel, "Detection of Dead stained microscopic cells based on Color Intensity and Contrast", The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligent System and Informatics (AISI2015), 2015, , Beni Suef, Egypt, November 28-30, , 2015. Abstract

Apoptosis is an imperative constituent of various processes including proper progression and functioning of the immune system, embryonic development as well as chemical-induced cell death. Improper apoptosis is a reason in numerous human/animal’s conditions involving ischemic damage, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders and various types of cancer. An outstanding feature of neurodegenerative diseases is the loss of specific neuronal populations. Thus, the detection of the dead cells is a necessity. This paper proposes a novel algorithm to achieve the dead cells detection based on color intensity and contrast changes and aims for fully automatic apoptosis detection based on image analysis method. A stained cultures images using Caspase stain of albino rats hippocampus specimens using light microscope (total 21 images) were used to evaluate the system performance. The results proved that the proposed system is efficient as it achieved high accuracy (98.89 ± 0.76 %) and specificity (99.36 ± 0.63 %) and good mean sensitivity level of (72.34 ± 19.85 %).

Taher, A., and A. E. Hassanien, "Dimensionality reduction of medical big data using neural-fuzzy classifier", Soft Computing, vol. June 2014, 2014. AbstractWebsite

Massive and complex data are generated every day in many fields. Complex data refer to data sets that are so large that conventional database management and data analysis tools are insufficient to deal with them. Managing and analysis of medical big data involve many different issues regarding their structure, storage and analysis. In this paper, linguistic hedges neuro-fuzzy classifier with selected features (LHNFCSF) is presented for dimensionality reduction, feature selection and classification. Four real-world data sets are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed neuro-fuzzy classifier. The new classifier is compared with the other classifiers for different classification problems. The results indicated that applying LHNFCSF not only reduces the dimensions of the problem, but also improves classification performance by discarding redundant, noise-corrupted, or unimportant features. The results strongly suggest that the proposed method not only help reducing the dimensionality of large data sets but also can speed up the computation time of a learning algorithm and simplify the classification tasks.

Taher, A., and A. E. Hassanien, "Dimensionality reduction of medical big data using neural-fuzzy classifier", Soft Computing, 2014. Abstract
Taha, H. M., N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, Y. Badr, and V. Snasel, "Retinal feature-based registration schema", Informatics engineering and information science: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 26–36, 2011. Abstract
Taha, H. M., N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, Y. Badr, and V. Snasel, "Retinal feature-based registration schema", Informatics engineering and information science: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 26–36, 2011. Abstract