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P. K. Nizar Banu, H. H. Inbarani, A. T. Azar, H. S. Own, and A. E. Hassanien, "Rough Set Based Feature Selection for Egyptian Neonatal Jaundice ", The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications , Egypt, November 17-19, , 2014.
Panda, M., N. El-Bendary, M. A. Salama, A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Computational social networks: Tools, perspectives, and challenges", Computational Social Networks: Springer London, pp. 3–23, 2012. Abstract
Panda, M., N. El-Bendary, M. A. Salama, A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Computational social networks: Tools, perspectives, and challenges", Computational Social Networks: Springer London, pp. 3–23, 2012. Abstract
Panda, M., N. El-Bendary, M. Salama, A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Social Networks Analysis: Basics, Measures and Visualizing Authorship Networks in DBLP Data", Computational Social Networks: Mining and Visualization, London, Series in Computer Communications and Networks, Springer Verlag, 2012. Abstract

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is becoming an important tool for investigators, but all the necessary information is often available in a distributed environment. Currently there is no information system that helps managers and team leaders to monitor the status of a social network. This chapter presents an overview of the basic concepts of social networks in data analysis including social networks analysis metrics and performances. Different problems in social networks are discussed such as uncertainty, missing data and finding the shortest path in social network. Community structure, detection and visualization in social network analysis is also discussed and reviewed. This chapter bridges the gap among the users by combining social network analysis methods and information visualization technology to help user visually identify the occurrence of a possible relationship amongst the members in a social network. In addition, briefly describing the different performance measures that have been encountered during any network analysis in order to understand the fundamental behind the comprehension. This chapter also, presents an online analysis tool called Forcoa.NET, which is built over the DBLP dataset of publications from the field of computer science, which is focused on the analysis and visualization of the co-authorship relationship based on the intensity and topic of joint publications. Challenges to be ad dressed and future directions of research are also presented and an extensive bibliography is included.order to understand the fundamental behind the comprehension. This chapter also, presents an online analysis tool called Forcoa.NET, which is built over the DBLP dataset of publications from the field of computer science, which is focused on the analysis and visualization of the co-authorship relationship based on the intensity and topic of joint publications. Challenges to be ad dressed and future directions of research are also presented and an extensive bibliography is included.

Panda, M., N. El-Bendary, M. A. Salama, A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Computational social networks: Tools, perspectives, and challenges", Computational Social Networks: Springer London, pp. 3–23, 2012. Abstract
Panda, M., A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Hybrid Data Mining Approach for Image Segmentation Based Classification", Biometrics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: IGI Global, pp. 1543–1561, 2017. Abstract
Panda, M., A. E. Hassanien, and A. Abraham, "Hybrid Data Mining Approach for Image Segmentation Based Classification", International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), vol. 3, issue 2, 2016. AbstractWebsite

Evolutionary harmony search algorithm is used for its capability in finding solution space both locally and globally. In contrast, Wavelet based feature selection, for its ability to provide localized frequency information about a function of a signal, makes it a promising one for efficient classification. Research in this direction states that wavelet based neural network may be trapped to fall in a local minima whereas fuzzy harmony search based algorithm effectively addresses that problem and able to get a near optimal solution. In this, a hybrid wavelet based radial basis function (RBF) neural network (WRBF) and feature subset harmony search based fuzzy discernibility classifier (HSFD) approaches are proposed as a data mining technique for image segmentation based classification. In this paper, the authors use Lena RGB image; Magnetic resonance image (MR) and Computed Tomography (CT) Image for analysis. It is observed from the obtained simulation results that Wavelet based RBF neural network outperforms the harmony search based fuzzy discernibility classifiers.

Peters, J. F., and S. K. Pal, "Cantor, fuzzy, near, and rough sets in image analysis", Rough fuzzy image analysis: Foundations and methodologies: CRC Press, pp. 1–1, 2010. Abstract