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Own, H., and A. Hassanien, "Q-shift Complex Wavelet-based Image Registration Algorithm", Computer Recognition Systems: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 403–410, 2005. Abstract
Own, H., and A. E. Hassanien, "Automatic Image Registration Algorithm Based on Multiresolution Local Contrast Entropy and Mutual Information", International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 9-15, 2005.
Own, H. S., N. I. GHALL, and E. L. L. A. H. A. S. S. A. N. I. E. N. ABOUL, "Hybrid Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform and Adaptive Threshold for Image Denoising", International journal of imaging and robotics, vol. 9, no. 1: CESER Publications, pp. 17–25, 2013. Abstract
Own, H. S., and A. E. Hassanien, "Rough wavelet hybrid image classification scheme", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 65–75, 2008. Abstract
Own, H. S., N. I. GHALL, and E. L. L. A. H. A. S. S. A. N. I. E. N. ABOUL, "Hybrid Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform and Adaptive Threshold for Image Denoising", International journal of imaging and robotics, vol. 9, no. 1: CESER Publications, pp. 17–25, 2013. Abstract
Own, H. S., and A. E. Hassanien, "Multiresolution image registration algorithm in wavelet transform domain", Digital Signal Processing, 2002. DSP 2002. 2002 14th International Conference on, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 889–892, 2002. Abstract
Own, H., and A. E. Hassanien, "Q-shift Complex Wavelet-based Image Registration Algorithm", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, CORES'05, pp. 403-410, Rydzyna Castle, Poland, May 22-25,, 2005. Abstract

This paper presents an efficient image registration technique using the Q-shift complex wavelet transform (Q-shift CWT). It is chosen for its key advantages compared to other wavelet transforms; such as shift invariance, directional selectivity, perfect reconstruction, limited redundancy and efficient computation. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the computational efficiency and yields robust and consistent image registration compared with the classical wavelet transform.

Own, H. S., and A. E. Hassanien, "Rough wavelet hybrid image classification scheme", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 65–75, 2008. Abstract
Own, H. S., and A. E. Hassanien, "Rough wavelet hybrid image classification scheme", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 65–75, 2008. Abstract
Own, H. S., and A. E. Hassanien, "Rough Wavelet Hybrid Image Classification Scheme", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 65-75, 2008. AbstractWebsite

This paper introduces a new computer-aided classification system for detection of prostate cancer in
Transrectal Ultrasound images (TRUS). To increase the efficiency of the computer aided classification
process, an intensity adjustment process is applied first, based on the Pulse Coupled Neural Network
(PCNN) with a median filter. This is followed by applying a PCNN-based segmentation algorithm to
detect the boundary of the prostate image. Combining the adjustment and segmentation enable to eliminate PCNN sensitivity to the setting of the various PCNN parameters whose optimal selection can be difficult and can vary even for the same problem. Then, wavelet based features have been extracted and
normalized, followed by application of a rough set analysis to discover the dependency between the
attributes and to generate a set of reduct that contains a minimal number of attributes. Finally, a rough
confusion matrix is designed that contain information about actual and predicted classifications done by a
classification system. Experimental results show that the introduced system is very successful and has high detection accuracy

Own, H., and A. Hassanien, "Q-shift Complex Wavelet-based Image Registration Algorithm", Computer Recognition Systems: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 403–410, 2005. Abstract
Ossama S. Alshabrawy, and A. E. Hassanien, "Underdetermined blind separation of mixtures of an unknown number of sources with additive white and pink noises", The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014. Abstractibica2014_p29.pdf

In this paper we propose an approach for underdetermined
blind separation in the case of additive Gaussian white noise and pink
noise in addition to the most challenging case where the number of source
signals is unknown. In addition to that, the proposed approach is appli-
cable in the case of separating I +3 source signals from I mixtures with
an unknown number of source signals and the mixtures have additive two
kinds of noises. This situation is more challenging and also more suitable
to practical real world problems. Moreover, unlike to some traditional
approaches, the sparsity conditions are not imposed. Firstly, the number
of source signals is approximated and estimated using multiple source
detection, followed by an algorithm for estimating the mixing matrix
based on combining short time Fourier transform and rough-fuzzy clus-
tering. Then, the mixed signals are normalized and the source signals
are recovered using multi-layer modi ed Gradient descent Local Hier-
archical Alternating Least Squares Algorithm exploiting the number of
source signals estimated , and the mixing matrix obtained as an input
and initialized by multiplicative algorithm for matrix factorization based
on alpha divergence. The computer simulation results show that the pro-
posed approach can separate I + 3 source signals from I mixed signals,
and it has superior evaluation performance compared to some traditional
approaches in recent references.

Osman, M. A., A. Darwish, A. Z. Ghalwash, and A. E. Hassanien, "Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis System Using Fuzzy Clustering Means Approach in Digital Mammography", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends, USA, IGI, 2017. Abstract

Breast cancer or malignant breast neoplasm is the most common type of cancer in women. Researchers are not sure of the exact cause of breast cancer. If the cancer can be detected early, the options of treatment and the chances of total recovery will increase. Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems can help the researchers and specialists in detecting the abnormalities early. The main goal of computerized breast cancer detection in digital mammography is to identify the presence of abnormalities such as mass lesions and Micro calcification Clusters (MCCs). Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer represent the key for breast cancer control and can increase the success of treatment. This chapter investigates a new CAD system for the diagnosis process of benign and malignant breast tumors from digital mammography. X-ray mammograms are considered the most effective and reliable method in early detection of breast cancer. In this chapter, the breast tumor is segmented from medical image using Fuzzy Clustering Means (FCM) and the features for mammogram images are extracted. The results of this work showed that these features are used to train the classifier to classify tumors. The effectiveness and performance of this work is examined using classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity and the practical part of the proposed system distinguishes tumors with high accuracy.

Osman, M. A., A. Darwish, A. Z. Ghalwash, and A. E. Hassanien, "Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis System Using Fuzzy Clustering Means Approach in Digital Mammography", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends, USA, IGI, 2017. Abstract

Breast cancer or malignant breast neoplasm is the most common type of cancer in women. Researchers are not sure of the exact cause of breast cancer. If the cancer can be detected early, the options of treatment and the chances of total recovery will increase. Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems can help the researchers and specialists in detecting the abnormalities early. The main goal of computerized breast cancer detection in digital mammography is to identify the presence of abnormalities such as mass lesions and Micro calcification Clusters (MCCs). Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer represent the key for breast cancer control and can increase the success of treatment. This chapter investigates a new CAD system for the diagnosis process of benign and malignant breast tumors from digital mammography. X-ray mammograms are considered the most effective and reliable method in early detection of breast cancer. In this chapter, the breast tumor is segmented from medical image using Fuzzy Clustering Means (FCM) and the features for mammogram images are extracted. The results of this work showed that these features are used to train the classifier to classify tumors. The effectiveness and performance of this work is examined using classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity and the practical part of the proposed system distinguishes tumors with high accuracy.

Osman, M. A., A. Darwish, A. E. Khedr, A. Z. Ghalwash, and A. E. Hassanien, "Enhanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis System Using Fuzzy Clustering Means Approach in Digital Mammography", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends: IGI Global, pp. 925–941, 2017. Abstract
Oliva, D., and A. E. Hassanien, "Digital Images Segmentation Using a Physical-Inspired Algorithm", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends: IGI Global, pp. 975–996, 2017. Abstract
Oliva, D., M. abd elaziz, and A. E. Hassanien, "Photovoltaic cells design using an improved chaotic whale optimization algorithm", Applied Energy, vol. 200, pp. 141–154, 2017. AbstractWebsite

The using of solar energy has been increased since it is a clean source of energy. In this way, the design of photovoltaic cells has attracted the attention of researchers over the world. There are two main problems in this field: having a useful model to characterize the solar cells and the absence of data about photovoltaic cells. This situation even affects the performance of the photovoltaic modules (panels). The characteristics of the current vs. voltage are used to describe the behavior of solar cells. Considering such values, the design problem involves the solution of the complex non-linear and multi-modal objective functions. Different algorithms have been proposed to identify the parameters of the photovoltaic cells and panels. Most of them commonly fail in finding the optimal solutions. This paper proposes the Chaotic Whale Optimization Algorithm (CWOA) for the parameters estimation of solar cells. The main advantage of the proposed approach is using the chaotic maps to compute and automatically adapt the internal parameters of the optimization algorithm. This situation is beneficial in complex problems, because along the iterative process, the proposed algorithm improves their capabilities to search for the best solution. The modified method is able to optimize complex and multimodal objective functions. For example, the function for the estimation of parameters of solar cells. To illustrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm in the solar cell design, it is compared with other optimization methods over different datasets. Moreover, the experimental results support the improved performance of the proposed approach regarding accuracy and robustness.

Oliva, D., and A. E. Hassanien, "Digital Images Segmentation Using a Physical-Inspired Algorithm", Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends, USA, IGI, 2017. Abstract

Segmentation is one of the most important tasks in image processing. It classifies the pixels into two or more groups depending on their intensity levels and a threshold value. The classical methods exhaustively search the best thresholds for a spec image. This process requires a high computational effort, to avoid this situation has been incremented the use of evolutionary algorithms. The Electro-magnetism-Like algorithm (EMO) is an evolutionary method which mimics the attraction-repulsion mechanism among charges to evolve the members of a population. Different to other algorithms, EMO exhibits interesting search capabilities whereas maintains a low computational overhead. This chapter introduces a multilevel thresholding (MT) algorithm based on the EMO and the Otsu's method as objective function. The combination of those techniques generates a multilevel segmentation algorithm which can effectively identify the threshold values of a digital image reducing the number of iterations.