Kudelka, M., V. Snásel, Z. Horak, and A. E. Hassanien,
"From Web Pages to Web Communities",
Annual International Workshop on DAtabases, TExts, Specifications and Objects, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic , April 15-17, 2009.
Abstract In this paper we are looking for a relationship between the intent of Web pages, their architecture and the communities who take part in their usage and creation. From our point of view, the Web page is entity carrying information about these communities and this paper describes techniques, which can be used to extract mentioned information as well as tools usable in analysis of these information. Information about communities could be used in several ways thanks to our approach. Finally we present an experiment which illustrates the benefits of our approach.
Amin, I. I., S. K. Kassim, A. E. Hassanien, and H. Hefny,
"Formal concept analysis for mining hypermethylated genes in breast cancer tumor subtypes",
12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), , Kochi, India, pp. 764 - 769, 2012.
AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to show the use of formal concept analysis (FCA) as data mining approach for mining the common hypermethylated genes between breast cancer subtypes, by extracting formal concepts which representing sets of significant hypermethylated genes for each breast cancer subtypes, then the formal context is built which leading to construct a concept lattice which is composed of formal concepts. This lattice can be used as knowledge discovery and knowledge representation therefore, becoming more interesting for the biologists.
Radhwan, A., M. Kamel, M. Y. Dahab, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Forecasting Exchange Rates: A Chaos-Based Regression Approach",
International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), vol. 2, no. 1: IGI Global, pp. 38–57, 2015.