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Ismail, I. A., V. Notananda, and J. Schepens, "New concepts in pathogenesis and treatment of varicocele.", Acta tropica, 1975. Abstract

Studies on malaria and on A. b. balabacensis and A. minimus responses to DDT spraying were conducted in a forested hilly area in northern Thailand. In a first phase, base-line data were collected from July 1970 to March 1972. In a second phase, the study area received five round of DDT spraying over a period of two years and at the same time all malaria infections received radical treatment. During this two-year period of field operations, entomological and epidemiological observations were continued. The studies carried out in the second phase, showed that malaria transmission decreased under the applied optimum anti-malarial measures but was not interrupted. Human ecology and population movement inside the forest, especially during the dry season, contributed to a great extent to this result. The transmission occurring in the early part of the monsoon season clearly indicates the importance of the timing of DDT spraying. A. b. balabacensis appeared to be transmitting malaria all the year round in the deep forest but only in the monsoon season in the forest fringe. The vectorial capacity of both vectors was estimated separately for indoor and outdoor populations. The pre-spraying values obtained for A. b. balabacensis were much higher thaan for A. minimus. After DDT spraying A. b. balabacensis showed a decrease in vectorial capacity estimated at 31.5 times for the indoor population and 18 times for the outdoor population. A. minimus, on the other hand, showed a much smaller decrease, estimated at 6.8 and 1.9 times for the indoor and outdoor populations respectively.

Kapiel, T., "New hopes for the treatment of diabetes (In Arabic)", OnIslam, 2010. Abstractnew_hopes_for_the_treatment_of_diabetes_in_arabic.pdf

السكري له آثار سيئة صحيًّا واجتماعيًّا واقتصاديًّا، فآثاره الصحية المدمرة تشمل القلب الكليتين وشبكية العين والأعصاب المركزية والطرفية. ويعتبر السكري السبب الأول لبتر الأطراف غير الناتج عن الإصابة بحوادث السيارات أو غيرها من الحوادث. ويعتبر مرض السكري داء مكلفًا جدًّا على الصعيد الاقتصادي، فمريض السكري يحتاج إلى متابعة دائمة وزيارات متكررة للعيادات والمراكز الطبية، ويحتاج إلى أجهزة قياس للسكر في الدم، وأدوية مختلفة لعلاج المرض أو علاج ما قد ينجم عنه من مضاعفات. و بدأت الأبحاث العلمية تتسابق لإيجاد علاج حاسم للمرض، ورغم أن هناك العديد من العائلات التي ينتشر السكر بين أفرادها، فإن الوراثة لم تَعُد القدر المحتوم الذي لا فكاك منه. يتضمن هذا المقال بعض طرق العلاج الحديثة لعلاج السكرى مثل علاج مريض السكر بالأعشاب، وتناول الأنسولين عن طريق الاستنشاق، وزراعة البنكرياس، والعلاج الجيني لمرض السكري.

Kapiel, T., "New hopes for the treatment of diabetes (In Arabic)", OnIslam., 2001. Abstractnew_hopes_for_the_treatment_of_diabetes.pdf

السكري له آثار سيئة صحيًّا واجتماعيًّا واقتصاديًّا، فآثاره الصحية المدمرة تشمل القلب الكليتين وشبكية العين والأعصاب المركزية والطرفية. ويعتبر السكري السبب الأول لبتر الأطراف غير الناتج عن الإصابة بحوادث السيارات أو غيرها من الحوادث. ويعتبر مرض السكري داء مكلفًا جدًّا على الصعيد الاقتصادي، فمريض السكري يحتاج إلى متابعة دائمة وزيارات متكررة للعيادات والمراكز الطبية، ويحتاج إلى أجهزة قياس للسكر في الدم، وأدوية مختلفة لعلاج المرض أو علاج ما قد ينجم عنه من مضاعفات. و بدأت الأبحاث العلمية تتسابق لإيجاد علاج حاسم للمرض، ورغم أن هناك العديد من العائلات التي ينتشر السكر بين أفرادها، فإن الوراثة لم تَعُد القدر المحتوم الذي لا فكاك منه. يتضمن هذا المقال بعض طرق العلاج الحديثة لعلاج السكرى مثل علاج مريض السكر بالأعشاب، وتناول الأنسولين عن طريق الاستنشاق، وزراعة البنكرياس، والعلاج الجيني لمرض السكري.

Abdelmegeed, M., "Older people with amputations: Amputee Case Study",, 2016.
Salama, A., A. Mohamed, A. Shawki, and A. A. Elbary, "Outcome of Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Bladder Cancer After Radical Cystectomy.", Outcome of Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Bladder Cancer After Radical Cystectomy., 2016.
El-Shafeiy, M., D. Birgel, A. El-Kammar, A. El-Barkooky, O. Mohamed, M. Wagreich, and J. Peckmann, "palaeoecological and Post-depositional changes recorded in Campania-Maastrichtian black shales, Abu Tartur Plateau, Egypt",, 2014. cretaceous_research_50.pdf
Alsirafy, S. A., "Palliative Care in North Africa and the Middle East: Experiences from Egypt", The Blog of the European Association of Palliative Care (onlus), 2016.
Abdelsalam, A., Z. Abou-Moussa, N.Rashed, B. M. Badawy, H. A. Amer, W. Osman, M. M. El-Ashmawy, and N. Abdallah, Pion emission in α-particle interactions with various targets of nuclear emulsion detector , , 2015.
Tallima, H., and R. E. Ridi, "Pitfalls to Avoid During Development of Anti-SARS-COV-2 Vaccine", Authorea. December 03, 2020. DOI: HYPERLINK ", 2020.
SHAZLIEY.MD, D. R..M. O. S. T. A. F. A. E. L., "A Portal Pressure Cut-off of 15 Versus a Cut-off of 20 for Prevention of Small-For-Size Syndrome in Liver Transplantation", Hepatology Research - Manuscript ID HEPRES-15-0592.R1, 2014.
Taha, A. A., A. E. Noman, T. A. Mahboub, and A. A. Zaki, "Pre-operative predictive estimation of abdominal flap volume for breast reconstruction using ultrasound and an anthropometric method", European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2018.
Sally Emad-Eldin, Nazria Shah, S. R. T. K. S. H. W. A. Z., Primary Adrenal Lymphoma: CT and MRI findings, , 2014. pal_eurorad.pdf
Abdel Mawella, S. M., H. A. Hussein, F. Zyada, A. Abdelaal, D. R. Ayoub, and A. Naguy, "Psychoendocrinology: arginine vasopressin and resilience in patients with major depressive disorder.", CNS spectrums, 2021. Abstract

BACKGROUND: There is a burgeoning body of evidence suggesting that arginine vasopressin (AVP) acts as a neuromodulator of the stress response. AVP stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, synergistic to corticotropin-releasing hormone, which might explain AVP's role in resilience. Personal hardiness is the bedrock of resilience. Numerous studies have demonstrated elevated plasma levels of AVP in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), suggesting an etiopathogenetic role as well as a novel therapeutic target.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between AVP and resilience in patients with MDD and to determine AVP levels in serum of patients with MDD.

METHODS: Forty patients with MDD and 40 healthy control subjects were studied using the Dispositional Resilience (Hardiness) Scale by Barton, the Quality of Life Scale, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Biochemical analysis of plasma levels of AVP, using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was performed for all participants.

RESULTS: Levels of AVP were statistically significantly elevated in patients with MDD compared with healthy controls. Psychological hardiness was decreased in patients with MDD compared with healthy controls, a finding also statistically significant. There was a negative correlation between plasma AVP level and psychological hardiness.

CONCLUSION: AVP and psychological hardiness are negatively correlated, reflecting lower stress resilience. AVP levels are indeed higher in patients struggling with MDD.

Isaac, S. K., "A Quest for Political Stability or Regional Prestige? The Centrality of the Gulf Role in Arab Revolutions Countries", Analysis no. 177, Milan: Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale , 2013.