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Hegazi, N. A., and V. Jensen, "Studies of Azotobacter bacteriophages in Egyptian soils.", Soil Biol. Biochem., vol. 5, pp. 231-243 , 1972.
El-Hefnawi, H., Z. H., El-Gothamy, and M. Refai, "Studies on Pityriasis versicolor in Egypt. III. Laboratory diagnosis.", Mykosen , vol. 15, , pp. 165-170 , 1972. studies_on_oityriasis_versicolor_in_egypt.iii_laboratory_dia.pdf
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Soliman, A. M., "Synthesis of a Class of Two Variable Positive Real Functions", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 455-461, 1972. j006.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Two new LC mutators and their realizations", Circuit Theory, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 19, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 371–372, 1972. Abstractj009.pdf


Abou-Leila, H., S. M. Darwish, and A. E. A. Haliem, ""Veis myoemnes de quelques niveaux de hautes energies dans le dysprosium 160"", R. C. Acad. Sc. Paris, vol. 274, pp. 896-900, 1972.
El Husseini, M. M., and M. F. S. Tawfik, "The winged form of Euborellia annulipes (Lucas)(Dermaptera: Labiduridae", Bull.Soc.ent.Egypte, vol. LVI, pp. 481- 484, 1972.
Harhash, A. H., M. H. Elnagdi, and E. A. Hafez, "«Behaviour of some 4-substituted 3-pyrazolin-5-ones toward Grignard reagents and hydrazine derivatives", Indian J. Chem, vol. 10, pp. 45-47, 1972.
El-Hawary, M. F., A. M. Ibrahim, M. H. Shakir, and M. Saif, Immunoelectrophoretic studies on serum proteins in bilharziasis., , vol. 55, issue 1, pp. 23 - 33, 1972. Abstract
Soliman, A. M., "New L-R Mutators and Their Models", Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, University of Pittsburgh, 1972. c05.pdf
Girgis, N. I., N. S. Mansour, M. T. Khayyal, and W. Henry, "The value of glucosamine in increasing the efficacy of tartar emetic in experimental schistosomiasis.", The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, vol. 47, issue 2, pp. 81-7, 1972. Abstract
Girgis, N. I., N. S. Mansour, M. T. Khayyal, and W. Henry, "The value of glucosamine in increasing the efficacy of tartar emetic in experimental schistosomiasis.", The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, vol. 47, issue 2, pp. 81-7, 1972. Abstract
Girgis, N. I., N. S. Mansour, M. T. Khayyal, and W. Henry, "The value of glucosamine in increasing the efficacy of tartar emetic in experimental schistosomiasis.", The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, vol. 47, issue 2, pp. 81-7, 1972. Abstract
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Washburn, K. W., and F. K. R. Stino, "Changes in reproductive traits associated with selection for packed erythrocyte volume in Japanese quail", Poultry Science, vol. 52, issue 6: Poultry Science Association, pp. 2147-2152, 1973. Abstract
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Ettouney, S. M., Courtyard Housing Environmental Data: Review of Existing Material, : University of Sheffield, Department of Building Science, 1973. Abstract
Saleh, M. A., and M. A. El-Rifai, "DESIGN AND ECONOMICS OF A WASTE WATER REUSE SYSTEM IN AN AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILISER PLANT", The First Scientific Conference on Environmental Pollution 8-10 May, 1973: University of Alexandria, pp. 117, 1973. Abstract
Helle, O., and M. Hilali, "Differentiation of Eimeria species infecting sheep during the grazing season on permanent and new pastures under Norwegian conditions.", Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 57, 1973. Abstract
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Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Diffraction by a dielectric-loaded wedge", Radio Science, vol. 8, no. 1: Wiley Online Library, pp. 71–80, 1973. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Diffraction by a dielectric-loaded wedge", Radio Science, vol. 8, no. 1: Wiley Online Library, pp. 71–80, 1973. Abstract
Stino, F. K. R., and K. W. Washburn, "Divergent selection under two nutritional environments for packed erythrocyte volume in Japanese quail", Genetics, vol. 74, issue 2: Genetics Soc America, pp. 363-369, 1973. Abstract