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Kauh, A. A. A. A., N. Y. G. Eldin, and N. M. Hamed, Administrative Empowerment for Secondary School Teacher in Egypt in The Light of Decentralization , : Cairo univ, 2013. Abstract

There are many attempts of administrative reform for education in order
enhance communities’ development and advancement. In fact, education is the
main tool to keep up with the rapid and successive changes which are related to all
aspects of life. So, the only way to enact such reforms is the one who will apply it
namely “the teacher”. This requires enabling and helping teachers to do what is
expected of them namely their duties and responsibilities. The introduction of
teachers’ administrative empowerment is considered one of the modern ways
where its primary goal is the ability to make a difference and excellence in
achieving school objectives. It induces the teacher towards the direction of
continuous improvement of productive quality. Most studies have proved that there
is a positive correlation between empowerment and many performance indicators
whether at the school level or its staff level. This requires that secondary schools’
administration should apply a suitable administrative style. Such style can help the
school reform movement and flexibly cope up with the new changes in order to
achieve success for teachers’ administrative empowerment method. The
framework of education decentralization has proved –according to many studiesto
be the successful way for the application of administrative empowerment
method because of the independence of its administrative units. In the context of
attention to education, the ministry has defined -within its strategic plan for
education- a special part for public secondary education reform. This can be
attributed to its importance in the educational hierarchy. Despite this attention,
many studies pointed out several weaknesses affecting this stage, especially the
teacher of general secondary education. It described teachers’ weak administrative
involvement in school administration and the lack of freedom to participate in
decision-making within the school. Accordingly, the current study considers this as
a point of weakness that should be addressed in order to achieve success for the
administrative reforms carried out by the ministry.
