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Shari K, Gedaily REA, Meselhy KM, Khaleel AE, Abdel-Sattar E. " Sources, Structure, Synthesis and Biological Activities of Jatrophone: A Macrocyclic Diterpene." Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research . 2023;6(10):1576-1586.
Zalabni SEM, El-Askary HI, Issa MY, Abdel-Sattar E. "Acaricidal activity of Swietenia mahogani and Swietenia macrophylla ethanolic extracts against Varroa destructor in honeybee colonies." Experimental Parasitology. 2012;130:166-170.
El Zalabani SM, El-Askary HI, Mousa OM, Issa MY, Zaitoun AA, Abdel-Sattar E. "Acaricidal activity of Swietenia mahogani and Swietenia macrophylla ethanolic extracts against Varroa destructor in honeybee colonies." Experimental parasitology. 2012;130:166-170. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Osman A-MM, Almehdar H, Abdel-Sattar E. "Acylated Pregnane glycosides from Caralluma qaudrangula." Phytochemistry:r. 2013;88:54-60.
Abdallah HM, Osman A-MM, Almehdar H, Abdel-Sattar E. "Acylated pregnane glycosides from Caralluma quadrangula." Phytochemistry. 2013;88:54-60. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, Ahmed AA, Hegazy M-EF, Farag MA, Al-Yahya MA-A. "Acylated pregnane glycosides from Caralluma russeliana." Phytochemistry. 2007;68:1459-1463. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, Harraz FM, Al-Ansari SMA, et al. "Acylated pregnane glycosides from Caralluma tuberculata and their antiparasitic activity." Phytochemistry. 2008;69:2180-2186. Abstract
Nahrstedt A, Abdelsattar E, El-Zalabani SMH. "Amygdalin acyl derivatives, cyanogenic glycosides from the seeds of Merremia dissecta." Phytochemistry. 1990;29:1179-1181. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Almowallad FM, Esmat A, Shehata IA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids from Chrozophora tinctoria." Phytochemistry Letters. 2015;13:74-80. Abstract
Shehata, et al. "Anti-inflammatory activity of Kleinia odora." European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018;23:64-69.
Shehata IA, El-harshany E, Abdallah HM, Esmat A, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of Kleinia odora." European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018;23:64-69. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Abdel-Naim AB, Ashour OM, Shehata IA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of selected plants from Saudi Arabia." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 2014;69:1-9. Abstract
Hossam M. Abdallah, Essam A. Abdel-Sattar, Abdel-Naim AB, Osama M. Ashour ISA. "Anti-Inflammatory activity of selected Saudi Plants. ." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung . 2014;69C:1-9.anti-infl_ammatory_activity_of_selected_plants_from_saudi_arabia.pdf
Alghaithy AA, El-Beshbishy HA, AbdelNaim AB, Nagy AA, Abdel-Sattar EM. "Anti-inflammatory effects of the chloroform extract of Pulicaria guestii ameliorated the neutrophil infiltration and nitric oxide generation in rats." Toxicology and Industrial Health. 2011;27:899-910. Abstract