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Abdallah H, Farag M, Osman S, et al. "Isolation of major phenolics from Launaea spinosa and their protective effect on HepG2 cells damaged with t-BHP." Pharmaceutical Biology. 2016;54:536-541. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Ezzat SM, El-Dine RS, Essam A. Abdel-Sattar AA-NB. "Protective effect of Echinops galalensis against CCl4-induced damage on the Huh7 human hepatoma cell line." Phytochemistry LettersB`. 2013;1:73-78.
Abdallah HM, Abdel-Naim AB, Ashour OM, Shehata IA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of selected plants from Saudi Arabia." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 2014;69:1-9. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Osman A-MM, Almehdar H, Abdel-Sattar E. "Acylated pregnane glycosides from Caralluma quadrangula." Phytochemistry. 2013;88:54-60. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Farag MA, Abdel-Naim AB, Ghareib SA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Mechanistic Evidence of Viscum schimperi (Viscaceae) Antihyperglycemic Activity: From a Bioactivity-guided Approach to Comprehensive Metabolite Profiling." Phytotherapy Research. 2015;29:1737-1743. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Salama MM, Abd-elrahman EH, EL-Maraghy SA. "Antidiabetic activity of phenolic compounds from Pecan bark in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats." Phytochemistry Letters. 2011;4:337-341. Abstract
Abdallah HM, ALGhamdi DO, Al-Salem MS, et al. "Effect of Viscum schimperi on advanced glycation endproducts formation." Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 2016;29. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Almowallad FM, Esmat A, Shehata IA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids from Chrozophora tinctoria." Phytochemistry Letters. 2015;13:74-80. Abstract