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Abdel-Sattar E, Shabana MM, El-Mekkawy S. "Protodioscin and pseudoprotodioscin from Solanum intrusum." Res J Phytochem. 2008;2:100-105. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, Harraz FM, Salah A. Ghareib, Elberry AA. "Antihepatotoxic effect of Marrubium vulgare and Withania somnifera extracts growing in Saudi Arabia on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in ratss." Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy. 2010;1:247-254.
Abdel-Sattar E, Kohiel MA, Shihata IA, El-Askary H. "Phenolic compounds from Eucalyptus maculata." Die Pharmazie. 2000;55:623-624. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E. "Minor Alicyclic Diterpene Acidsfrom Conyza incana." Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly. 2001;132:1095-1099. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, Kohiel MA, Shehata IA, Rashwan OA, El-Askary H. "PHENOLIC (CONSTITUENTS OF GYMNARRHENA MICRANTHA DESE." Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ. 2000;38:137-140. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar EA, Abdallah HM, Khedr A, Abdel-Naim AB, Shehata IA. "Antihyperglycemic activity of Caralluma tuberculata in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats." Food and chemical toxicology. 2013;59:111-117. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, EL-Maraghy SA, El-Dine RS, Rizk SM. "Antihyperglycemic activity of Caralluma quadrangula in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats." Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. 2017;55:269-272. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, El-Gayed SH, Shehata I, Osama M. Ashour, Ayman A. Nagy AMM. "Antioxidant and cardioprotective activity of Stachys Schimperi Vatke extract against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity." Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University*/*;q=0. 2012;50:41-47.
Abdel-Sattar E, El Zalabani SM, Salama MM. "Herbal and microbial products for the management of obesity." Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development. 2014;2:130-210. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar EA, Elberry AA, Harraz FM, Ghareib SA, Nagy AA, Gabr SA. "Antihyperglycemic and hypolipidaemic effects of the methanolic extract of Saudi mistletoe (Viscum schimperi Engl.)." Journal of Advanced Research. 2011;2:171-177. Abstract
Abdel-Sattar E, El-Askary H, El-Mekkawy S. "Iridoid, phenylethanoid and diterpene glycosides from Eremostachys laciniata." Bull Fac Pharm Cairo Univ. 2006;44:135-142. Abstract
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Abdel-Monem AR, Kandil ZA, Abdel-Naim AB, Abdel-Sattar E. "A new triterpene and protective effect of Periploca somaliensis Browicz fruits against CCl4-induced injury on human hepatoma cell line (Huh7)." Natural Product Research. 2015;29:423-429. Abstract
Abdel-Monem AR, Abdel-Sattar E, Harraz FM, Petereit F. "Chemical Investigation of Euphorbia schimperi C. Presl." Records of Natural Products. 2008;2. Abstract
Abdel Sattar E, El-Olemy MM, Elhag H, Gohar A, Mossa JS, Nahrstedt A. "Quinone-methide triterpenes from tissue cultures of Catha edulis." Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 1998;6:242-245. Abstract
Abdallah H, Farag M, Osman S, et al. "Isolation of major phenolics from Launaea spinosa and their protective effect on HepG2 cells damaged with t-BHP." Pharmaceutical Biology. 2016;54:536-541. Abstract
Abdallah HM, Ezzat SM, El-Dine RS, Essam A. Abdel-Sattar AA-NB. "Protective effect of Echinops galalensis against CCl4-induced damage on the Huh7 human hepatoma cell line." Phytochemistry LettersB`. 2013;1:73-78.
Abdallah HM, Abdel-Naim AB, Ashour OM, Shehata IA, Abdel-Sattar EA. "Anti-inflammatory activity of selected plants from Saudi Arabia." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 2014;69:1-9. Abstract