Two compounds from chloroform extract of Artemisia monosperma plant had been separated and identified as insecticidal activity. The purified fractions I and fraction II were separated and their chemical structure studied by GC-MS spectroscopic analysis. The results proved the presence of 2 - Naphthalenemethanol, decahydro - Alpha, Alpha, 4a,8-Tetramethyl-didehydro derive., [2R-(EZ Alpha, 4a alpha, 8 a, beta)} and 1-phenyl,1-0ne, 2,4 hexadiyne which having insecticidal activity against house fly. The above TLC purified fractions which had a single compound (By GC-MS analysis) gave 15 to 20 time more toxic as insecticidal than the crude chloroform extract. Then we could use these natural compounds as insecticidal activities instead of using synthetic compounds to protect human from diseases.