
Ahmed Taha Is currently a Lecturer for Plastic Surgery at Cairo University Hospitals. He joined medical school in September 2004 and graduated in December 2010, Excellent with honors. (Ranked 99th among his class of 1500 medical students).



Dr. Taha had his IGCSE by June 2004, ranking 5th in his class.



During his college years, Dr Taha was an active participant in the SSS (student scientific society) where he was involved in many activities for the incoming students and exchange programs. He helped many foreign students visiting Cairo University hospitals.

Dr Taha has shown an exceptional interest in research one of which was a cross-sectional study held by the community medicine and Public health department of Cairo University, faculty of medicine, to screen for the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity among the resident of low socio-economic neighborhoods of Cairo. During the visits, he also counselled patients on the health related issues whenever relevant as obesity and its risks, hazards of smoking, the importance of proper management of Diabetes and its complications, and the importance of a proper healthy diet in the management of Hypertension, Diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Dr Taha also gained exposure to numerous healthcare models when he applied and was chosen by IFMSA (International federation of medical student association) to have medical exchange training in Oto-rhino-laryngology, KBO, Rijeka, Croatia July 2008.


Dr Taha has a great passion for volunteer work and showed a great interest in serving his community, he was on regular duty in both Tahrir square and emergency department of Cairo University hospitals during the January 25th Egyptian revolution. He continued volunteering in the emergency department throughout his internship year. His 12 months internship at Cairo University hospitals started March 2011. He had the 2-month rotation in General surgery, 2 months in Internal medicine, 2 months of Pediatrics, 2-month Emergency & trauma, 2 months at Obs/Gyn department, 1 month in Ophthalmology and 1 month at Dermatology department.



He started his residency in Plastic Surgery on August 2012 and finished it in August 2015. He had a 6-month rotation in general surgery (including 3 months of general surgery ER) and 30 months at the plastic surgery department (including 9 months in Plastic ER and trauma).



He finished his Master Degree in Plastic and General Surgery in May 2015, with Grade Excellent. His thesis titled "Scalp, types and patterns and its impact on Hair restoration surgeries" was accepted in March 2015. He finished his PhD degree in Plastic Surgery, thesis title is: "Pre-operative predictive estimation of abdominal flap volume in Breast reconstruction cases". The thesis was accepted in Feburary 2018.

He was enrolled in post-residency training program in Plastic surgery department starting September 2015 and for one year. This included a 3-month rotation in Plastic sub-specialties: Breast, Aesthetic, Hand & Microsurgery and Reconstructive Surgeries. In addition to on-going rotations in Burn and Plastic ER units. He was appointed as a Clinical Demnostrator for Plastic Surgery in Novemeber 2016.

In November 2018, Dr Taha was ceritifed by the Board of Plastic Surgery, Cairo University and became a Board ceritifed Plastic Surgeon (MD).


Other activities:

Dr. Taha is ECFMG certified. He is an Associate Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and AO Cranio-maxillo-facial member.
He also passed his TOEFL iBT.
Dr. Taha had an Observer and Research fellowship at University of Wisconsin hospitals  and Clinics in Madison at the Plastic and reconstructive surgery department. This started in November 2016 and for four months.
He also had another Observer fellowship at NYU medical Langone center at the Plastic Surgery department in May 2017.
Dr. Taha participated in CS videos for Becker professional Education at George Washington University Medical Center in February 2017.
Dr Taha had many publications in different field of Plastic Surgery including liposuction, body contouring, breast reconstruction as well as burn management.

He got married in April 2013 and has one boy.

He enjoys travelling, reading and his is a Google Local guide (level 7). He is a great PS4 gamer as well.