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El-Kobisy, O. S., and K. H. S. Emara, "Ecology and natural resources (Practical Part)", Ecology and natural resources , Giza, Faculty of agriculture - Cairo University, 2011.
Emara, K. H. S., "Sea fields .. Tomorrow food", Al-Arabi, issue 573, pp. 154-157, 2006.
Emara, K. H. S., The unknown, , Cairo, General Egyptian book organization, 2009.
Emara, K. H. S., Your imaged guide to ornamental house plants, , Cairo, Al Dar Al Arabia, 2006.
Emara, K. H. S., "The predatorial plants", Al-Elm, issue 380, pp. 29, 2008.
Emara, K. H. S., "The Mangroove", Al-Elm, issue 457, pp. 26-29, 2014.
Emara, K. H. S., Be my friend, , Cairo, General Egyptian book organization, 2002.
Emara, K. H. S., The predatorial plants, , Cairo, Diamonds & M.U.B., 2007.
Emara, K. H. S., "Seed .. The biological time machine", Al-Elm, issue 441, pp. 4-6, 2013.
Emara, K. H. S., "Forests .. Land of the shadows", Al-Elm, issue 448, pp. 26-30, 2014.
Emara, K. H. S., The Handicap, , Cairo, Colors press, 2005.
Emara, K. H. S., Egypt through era cyclopedia, , Cairo, Al Dar Al Arabia, 2009.
Emara, K. H. S., "Agriculture in the house .. Economy of the future", Al-Elm, issue 385, pp. 43, 2008.