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, "تنازع القوانين فى مجال التقادم", مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث القانونية, vol. 23, 2006.
, دليل إنشاء وإدارة قواعد البيانات الببليوجرافية [كتاب], : الدار المصرية اللبنانية (القاهرة ، مصر), 2006. Abstract
Amer, A., and et al, عرض تحليلي للكتابات النفسية الحديثة من منظور نفس, , Cairo, مطبوعات الجمعية العربية للتربية الاسلامية , 2006.
عمران, رجب سلامة, "مرسوم الوالى افيليوس فلاكوس فى كتاب (ضد فلاكوس) للفيلسوف فيلون اليهودى", أعمال مؤتمر توظيف المصطلح والنص فى الدراسات العبرية, vol. 1, issue يناير, pp. 109-134, 2006.
Awadein, A., M. Pesheva, and D. L. Guyton, "“Inverted Brown pattern”: A tight inferior oblique muscle masquerading as a superior oblique muscle underaction—clinical characteristics and surgical management", Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, vol. 10, no. 6: Mosby, pp. 565–572, 2006. Abstract
, "صورة المرشحين للانتخابات الرئاسية فى الصحافة المصرية دراسة تحليلية", المؤتمر العلمى السنوى الحادى عشر :مستقبل وسائل الاعلام العربية, كلية الاعلام - جامعة القاهرة, مايو 2005.
, "دراسة دبلوماتية لوثائق تسليم الصرة الميري لأمير الحج بسجلات الديوان العالي مع نشر نماذج منها", ندوة خمسون عاما على إنشاء دار الوثائق القومية, ابريل 5 -7, 2005.
Aly, M. F., " Aptian cephalopod fauna from Gabal Abu Ruqum, north Sinai, Egypt. ", 4 th International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut, Egypt., September, 2005.
Khalil, E. E., ",”Numerical Design Of Hospitals-Air Conditioned Operating Theatres", Proceedings, Indoor Air 2005,Paper 184, China ,September 2005., China, September, 2005.
Khalil, E. E., "Indoor Air Climatic Design Of The Tombs Of Valley Of Kings.", ”, Proceedings, ASHRAE , RAL, Athens , September 2005, Athens, September, 2005.
Aly, M. F., Smadi, and A. Azzam, "Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian ammonites of Jordan. 7th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Neuchatel, Switzerland. ", 7th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Neuchatel, Switzerland. , September, 2005.
Khalil, E. E., "Mathematical Modeling Of Air Flow And Heat Transfer-Predictions Of Archeological Tombs Of The Valley Of The Kings", Proceedings, Indoor Air 2005,China, Paper 185,September 2005., China, September, 2005.
Shaalan, K., H. Talhami, and I. Kamel, "A Morphological Generator for the Indexing of Arabic Audio", the Proceedings of The IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC), Benidorm, Spain, ACTA Press, pp. 307–312, September, 2005. Abstractmorph_audio.pdf

This paper presents a novel Arabic morphological generator (AMG) for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) which is designed and implemented using Prolog. The AMG is used to generate inflected forms of words used for the indexing of Arabic audio. These words are also the relevant terms in the Arab authority system (library information retrieval system) used in this study. The AMG generates inflected Arabic words from the root according to pre-specified morphological features that can be extended as needed. The Arabic word is represented as a feature structure which is handled through unification during the morphological generation process. The inflected forms can then be inserted automatically into a speech recognition grammar which is used to identify these words in an audio sequence or utterance.

Ismail, M. H., and M. M. Matalgah, "Outage probability in multiple access systems with Weibull-faded lognormal-shadowed communication links", Proc. of the 62nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall 2005), Dallas, TX, USA, September, 2005.
Matalgah, M. M., R. M. Radaydeh, and M. H. Ismail, "Performance analysis of the forward link cdma2000 1xEV-DO in terms of the stochastic behavior of wireless channels in cellular systems", Proc. of the 62nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall 2005), Dallas, TX, USA, September, 2005.
H.M.Mourad, "A Proposed Pulse Shape to Reduce ICI in OFDM Systems", International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN ), Benidorm,Spain, September, 2005.
Fayek, M., N. O. Soliman, and N. M. Darwish, "Natural Language Processing for Arabic Sentence Structure Using Soar", The Fifth Conference on Language Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, organized by the Egyptian Society of Language Engineering, ELSE, Faculty of Engineering, Ein Shams University, Sept., 2005.
Esmat, G., A. Yosry, M. El-Serafi, A. Omar, W. Doss, A. Hosny, A. Ghali, H. Sabry, H. Attia, S. Kamel, et al., "Donor outcomes in right lobe adult living donor liver transplantation: Single-center experience in Egypt", TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 3147-3150, SEP, 2005. Abstract
Nabhan, A., A. Rafea, and K. Shaalan, "Enhancing Phrase Extraction from Word Alignments Using Morphology", The 5th Conference on Language Engineering, Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ELSE), Cairo, Egypt, Ain Shams University, pp. 57–65, sep, 2005. Abstractnabhan_nle.pdf

We propose a technique for effective extraction of bilingual phrases from word alignments using morphological processing. Morphological processing leads to an increase of the frequency of words in the corpus, consequently reduces Alignment Error Rate (AER). Intuitively, better word alignments enhance the quality of bilingual phrases extracted. Using alignments of a stemmed corpus for phrase extraction, instead of alignments of a raw one, shows significant improvements in translation quality, especially with small corpora.
