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Hamed, W. S., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "Towards a Unified Trust Model for M-commerce Systems", Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2011 Eighth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 992–997, 2011. Abstract
Hamed, W. S., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "Towards a unified trust model for M-commerce systems", Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2011 Eighth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 992-997, 2011. Abstract
El Aziz, S. A., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "An energy-efficient hierarchical routing protocol for wireless sensor networks", Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2010 The 7th International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–7, 2010. Abstract

In this paper, a centralized hierarchical-based routing protocol, that distributes energy load among sensor nodes based on their residual energy, is proposed. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated via intensive simulation. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol outperforms the well-known Base-Station Controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol (BCDCP) in terms of network lifetime and energy savings.

Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and J. L. Mugartza, "KOPLE: knowledge-oriented product line engineering", Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion: ACM, pp. 275–276, 2010. Abstract

The maturity of Knowledge Engineering (KE) theory and practice presents a real opportunity for advancing the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in software Product-line Engineering (PLE). Several challenges that face the adoption and implementation of PLE in practice can be addressed by exploiting advanced technique from KE. This paper introduces the concept of KOPLE and describes the related one-day workshop that will be held in conjunction with SPLASH 2010.

Hamza, H. S., and J. Martinez, "1st international workshop on product-line engineering for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (PLEERPS 2010)", Software Product Lines: Going Beyond: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 524–524, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., and J. Martinez, "1st international workshop on product-line engineering for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (PLEERPS 2010)", International Conference on Software Product Lines: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 524-524, 2010. Abstract
Aziz, S. A. E. L., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "An energy-efficient hierarchical routing protocol for wireless sensor networks", Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2010 The 7th International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1-7, 2010. Abstract
Aziz, S. A. E. L., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "An energy-efficient hierarchical routing protocol for wireless sensor networks", Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2010 The 7th International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1-7, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and C. Alonso, "Introducing Product Line Architectures in the ERP Industry: Challenges and Lessons Learned.", SPLC Workshops, pp. 263–266, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and C. Alonso, "Introducing Product Line Architectures in the ERP Industry: Challenges and Lessons Learned.", SPLC Workshops, pp. 263–266, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and C. Alonso, "Introducing Product Line Architectures in the ERP Industry: Challenges and Lessons Learned.", SPLC Workshops, pp. 263-266, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and J. L. Mugartza, "KOPLE: knowledge-oriented product line engineering", Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion: ACM, pp. 275–276, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, and J. L. Mugartza, "KOPLE: knowledge-oriented product line engineering", Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion: ACM, pp. 275-276, 2010. Abstract
Lin, Y., and H. S. Hamza, "A new approach for fast segment-based protection in WDM mesh networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 23, no. 12: Wiley Online Library, pp. 1474–1499, 2010. Abstract
Lin, Y., and H. S. Hamza, "A new approach for fast segment‐based protection in WDM mesh networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 23, issue 12: Wiley Online Library, pp. 1474-1499, 2010. Abstract
Mo'men, A. M. A., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "New attacks and efficient countermeasures for multicast AODV", High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2010: IEEE, pp. 51–57, 2010. Abstract
Mo'men, A. A. M., H. S. Hamza, I. Saroit, and others, "New attacks and efficient countermeasures for multicast AODV", High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2010: IEEE, pp. 51–57, 2010. Abstract
Mo'men, A. A. M., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "New attacks and efficient countermeasures for multicast AODV", High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2010: IEEE, pp. 51-57, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the complexity of optical cross-connects under flat and recursive shared wave-mixing converters", Communications Letters, IEEE, vol. 14, no. 12: IEEE, pp. 1173–1175, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the complexity of optical cross-connects under flat and recursive shared wave-mixing converters", Communications Letters, IEEE, vol. 14, no. 12: IEEE, pp. 1173–1175, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the complexity of optical cross-connects under flat and recursive shared wave-mixing converters", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 14, issue 12: IEEE, pp. 1173-1175, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the design of multi-wavelength copy interconnects with reduced complexity", Photonic Network Communications, vol. 19, no. 3: Springer US, pp. 240–256, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the design of multi-wavelength copy interconnects with reduced complexity", Photonic Network Communications, vol. 19, no. 3: Springer US, pp. 240–256, 2010. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "On the design of multi-wavelength copy interconnects with reduced complexity", Photonic Network Communications, vol. 19, issue 3: Springer Netherlands, pp. 240-256, 2010. Abstract
Mo'men, A. M. A., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "A survey on security enhanced multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), 2010: IEEE, pp. 262–268, 2010. Abstract