Tawfik, N. M., M. A. Hegazy, E. A. Hassan, Y. K. Ramadan, and A. S. Nasr,
"Egyptian experience of reliability of 4T’s score in diagnosis of heparin induced thrombocytopenia syndrome",
Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, vol. 22, issue 8, 2011.
Tawfik, N. M., M. A. Hegazy, E. A. Hassan, A. S. Nasr, and et al,
"Egyptian experience of reliability of 4T’s score in diagnosis of heparin induced thrombocytopenia syndrome.",
Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis , vol. 22, pp. 701-705, 2011.
Heakal, E. - T. F., A. A. Ghoneim, A. S. Mogoda, and K. Awad,
"Electrochemical behaviour of Ti–6Al–4V alloy and Ti in azide and halide solutions",
Corrosion Science, vol. 53, issue 9, pp. 2728-2737, 2011.
Mohamed, B. F., A. M. Gouda, and L. Z. Ismail,
"Electron Dynamics in Presence of Static Helical Magnet Inside Circular Waveguide",
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, vol. 39, issue 3, pp. 842-846, 2011.
AbstractThe dynamics of an electron in the fields associated
with a TE electromagnetic wave propagating inside a circular
waveguide is analytically studied. The motion of this electron along
the axis of the waveguide is investigated in the existence of a
helical magnet (in which the field is perpendicular to the axis of
the waveguide and rotating as a function of position along the
magnet). It is shown that it can be accelerated due to its interaction
with polarized fields of microwave radiation propagating along
the waveguide. The fields for the lowest order TE11 modes and
the deflection angle of electron trajectory, due to these fields, are
obtained. Also, an expression of the acceleration gradient of the
electron and its energy gain are evaluated for different intensities
and frequencies of the microwave.