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Gobashy, M. M., "Basin Evaluation from gravity measurements using simplex algorithm with application from Sirte basin, Libya", Bull., Fac. of Sc. , Zagazig University, Egypt, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 62-80, 2000.
M, G. M., "Constraint inversion of residual self-potential anomalies", Delta Journal of science, Tanta University, Egypt, vol. 24, 2000.
Gomaa, M. M., Hussain S. A., El-Diwany E. A., Bayoumi, and Gobashy, M, "Modeling of A.C. electrical properties of humid sand and the effect of water content.", Society of Exploration geophysicists (SEG), International Exposition and 70th annual meeting, (RPB 6.7), , Calgary, Alberta, Canada,, pp. . 1850-1855., 2000.
Gobashy, M, Bayoumi A, I., Ahmed, and M. Mekkawi, "Structural regime of Gharib area, Gulf of suez, Egypt, Based on potential field analysis", Bull., Fac. of Sc. , Zagazig University, Egypt,, vol. 22 , issue 1, pp. 81-99., 2000.
Tezkan B., Hoerdt A., and G. M., "Two dimensional radiomagnetotelluric investigation of industrial and domestic waste sites in Germany", Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. V. 44, issue 2-3, 2000.
Tezkan, B., A. Hördt, and M. Gobashy, "Two-dimensional radiomagnetotelluric investigation of industrial and domestic waste sites in Germany", Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 44, no. 2-3: Elsevier, pp. 237–256, 2000. Abstract
Gobashy, M, Bayoumi A, I., Ahmed, and Mekkawi, M, "Geophysical Investigation of subsurface structures in Ras-Gharib area, Gulf of Suez, in view of seismic analysis", Proceedings of the EGS ,17th meeting, , Egypt 17-20 march, pp. Proceedings of the 17th meeting, 17-20 march., 1999.
Gobashy, M. M., "A quasi-Newton scheme for two-dimensional inversion of gravity data. ", Delta Journal of science, Tanta University, Egypt, , vol. 33, 1999.
Gobashy, M. M., and Tezkan, B, "A successful application of radiomagnetotellurics (RMT) to waste site exploration.", Africa/Middle East second international geophysical conference and Exposition, Cairo, Egypt, 17-19., Egypt, 1998.
Gobashy, M, U. Casten, and Neubauer, F.M., "The interpretation of the BHGM gravity measurements in the KTB-main well, Windischeschenbach, Germany", Final report. Annual meeting of the German geophysical society,DFG,, Giessen Germany, August 1993.
Gobashy, M, U. Casten, and Neubauer, F.M., "Borehole gravimetry in the KTB-main well and a new structural interpretation", Part B: Geoscientific investigations. KTB report 93-2, Giessen, Germany, KTB report 93-2, pp. 93-2, 357-360., 1993.
Gobashy, M, F. M. Casten, U. and Neubauer, and Neubauer, F.M., "Ergebnisse der Borlochgravimetrie in der KTB-Hauptbohrung und ein neues Strukturmodell.", Proceeding of the Deutchen Geophysikalichen Gesellschaft (DGG), 22-27 March, Kiel, West Germany, 1993.
Bosum, W., Casten, U., Fieberg, F., Gobashy, M, Heyde, I., Neubauer, F.M., Roettger, B., and H. Soffel, "Gravity and magnetic structural models of the KTB-area", Part B: Geoscientific investigations. , Hannover, Germany, KTB report 93-2,, pp. 319-322, 1993.
Abdelrahman, E. M., and 1989 Gobashy, M. M., "A statistical approach to depth detremination from gravity gradients", Proceeding of the 7th international mathematical Geophysics Seminar, Free University, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 8-11., 1989.
Abdelrahman, E. M., Bayoumi, Abdelhady, Y. E., M. M. Gobashy, and Elaraby, H. M., "Gravity interpretation using correlation factors between successive least‐squares residual anomalies", GEOPHYSICS, vol. 54, issue 12., pp. 1614-1621, 1989.
Abdelrahman, E. M., A. I. Bayoumi, Y. E. Abdelhady, M. M. Gobashy, and H. M. El-Araby, "Gravity interpretation using correlation factors between successive least-squares residual anomalies", Geophysics, vol. 54, no. 12: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 1614–1621, 1989. Abstract
Abdelrahman, E. M., and Gobashy, M, "A method of interpreting gravity anomalies due to geologic contact", Egyptian Geophysical society annual meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 1988.