Hameed, A., M., Z. Ahmed, Gulzar, S., Alam, J., Hegazy, O., A. A. Alatar, and M. A. Khan,
"Seed germination and recovery responses of Suaedaheterophylla to abioticstresses.",
Pakistan Journal of Botany, vol. 45, issue 5, pp. 1649-1656, 2013.
Gulzar, S., Hameed, A., Alatar, A. A., A. K. Hegazy, and M. A. Khan,
"Seed germination ecology of Cyperusarenarius – a sandbinder from Karachi coast. ",
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Hegazy, O., Afifi, N. A., Alatar, A. A., H. A. Alwathnani, and M. H. Emam,
"Soil characteristics influence the radionuclide uptake of different plant species. ",
Chemistry and Ecology , vol. 29, pp. 255-269, 2013.
Baraka, T., H.F., A. K. Hegazy, and N. S. Singer,
"Synergetic action of light and temperature on seed germination of some Solanaceae members.",
Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 85-100, 2013.
Hegazy, O., Al-Rowaily, S. L., Kabiel, H. F., M. Faisal, and M. H. Emam,
"Variations of plant macronutrients and secondary metabolites content in response to radionuclides accumulation.",
Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation , vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 185-194, 2013.
El-Sheikh, N., Thomas, G.S., Alatar, A. A., Hegazy, O., G. A. Abbady, A. H. Alfarhan, and M. I. Okla,
"Vegetation of Thumamah Nature Park: a managed arid land site in Saudi ArabiaRend.",
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