Khalil, E. E., A. M. Farag, and S. M. Morcos,
"Air Flow Patterns In A Computer Room",
5th IECEC, St. Louis, AIAA-2007-4761, , Saint Louis, June, 2007.
Khalil, E. E.,
"Energy Efficiency, Air Quality And Comfort In Air- Conditioned Surgical Operating Theatres”, ",
Invited Paper, Proceedings, 38th International Congress On Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning, Belgrade, December V2007, Serbia, December, 2007.
Khalil, E. E.,
"Energy Performance Of Buildings:: Codes & Standards",
Arab Construction World, Vol 10, Pp.96, October 2007., vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 96-97, 2007.