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Khalil, E. E., "Energy Efficient Design & Performance Of Air Conditioning Buildings In Developing Countries ", Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2009-1017, January 2009. , USA, January, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., S. M. Morcos, and M. Farag, "Flow Regimes In An Air Conditioned Measuring Equipment Laboratory", Aerospace Sciences Meeting,AIAA-2009-1016, January 2009, USA, January, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbulent Flames in Furnaces and Combustion Chambers", Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2009-1379, Reno, USA, January, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Mathematical Modelling Of Indoor Air Quality And Air Flow Regimes In Surgical Operating Theatres,", Proceedings Of The Fourth International Conference On Thermal Engineering: Theory And Applications, Paper 184, January 2009, Abu Dhabi, UAE, UAE, January, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., O. E. Abdellatif, and M. Ali, "Numerical And Experimental Investigations Of The Effects Of Air Inlets Location and Velocity On Thermal and Flow Patterns Inside A Greenhouse”,", AIAA-2009-0673, January 2009, USA, January , 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Thermal Management In Healthcare Facilities: Computational Approach", Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper, AIAA-2008-1585, January 2009. , USA, January , 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Designs for Environmental Sustainability", , Proceedings of ICGSI, AC01, Thailand, Thailand, December, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Computational Analyses and Design Of Industrial Furnaces And Combustion Chambers", , Proceedings Of ICGSI, MC04, Thailand, Thailand, December, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Life Cycle Cost Analyses Of Air-Conditioning Systems In Commercial Buildings In Egypt", , Proceedings Of ICGSI, AC08, Thailand, Thailand, December, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Life Cycle Cost Analyses Of Air-Conditioning Systems In Commercial Buildings In Egypt”, Invited Paper,", Proceedings, 39th International Congress On Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning, Belgrade, December 2008, Serbia, December, 2009.
Khalil, A. E., and E. E. Khalil, "Air Flow Regimes and Thermal Patterns In Climatized Church of Christ, Cairo", , IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4574, USA, August, 2009.
Fahim, A. A., and E. E. Khalil, "Developed Ventilation Strategy For Air Contamination Scavenging In Smoking Lounge Zone Inside Mall", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4571, August 2009., USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Energy Efficiency, Labelling & Performance of Commercial Buildings In Developing Countries", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4621, USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Energy Efficient Desalination Technology Development In Egyptian Industries,", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4586, USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., N. ElGharby, R. A. Kameel, and A. Benzaoui, "Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Temperature and Relative Humidity in Different Surgical Operating Theatres, ", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4649, USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., S. S. Kousa, and O. A. AbdelAziz, "Flow and Combustion In Cylindrical Furnaces At Different Operating Conditions", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4529, USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., and A. A. Fahim, "Influence of [IEQ] Requirements on Energy Consumptions in Residential Buildings. ", IECEC Paper, AIAA_2009_4623, USA, August, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Energy and Power Generation in Developing Countries", ”, Invited Keynote Paper « La Decentralisation: Vers Un Projet D’etat », Kaslik, April 2009, Lebanon, April, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., and D. V. Dijk, "Energy Efficiency in Buildings", ISO Focus,, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 16-20, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sectors in Developing Countries,", Arab Construction World, , vol. 27, issue 6, pp. 25-27, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., and M. Shabaan, "Energy Efficient Desalination Technology Development In Egyptian Industries", Arab Water World,, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 22-25, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Indoor Air Quality: CFD Applications for the Preservation of the Tombs of the Valley of Kings, Luxor,", Proceedings 4TH IBPC, Istanbul, June 2009 , Turkey, IBPC, pp. 767-772, 2009.
Khalil, E. E., "Preview Of National and International Air Conditioning Energy Efficiency and Standards", KgH, ,BIBLD,208,, vol. 38, issue 1, pp. 93-99, 2009.