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Hoelker, M., D. Salilew-Wondim, M. Drillich, G. - B. Christine, N. Ghanem, L. Goetze, D. Tesfaye, K. Schellander, and W. Heuwieser, "Transcriptional response of the bovine endometrium and embryo to endometrial polymorphonuclear neutrophil infiltration as an indicator of subclinical inflammation of the uterine environment", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 24, issue 6: CSIRO, pp. 778-793, 2012. Abstract
Ghanem, N., D. S. Wondim, D. Tesfaye, A. Y. Gad, C. Phatsara, E. Tholen, C. Looft, K. Schellander, and M. Hoelker, "Bovine blastocysts with developmental competence to term share similar expression of developmentally important genes although derived from different culture environments", Reproduction: Society for Reproduction and Fertility, pp. REP-10-0476, 2011. Abstract
Gad, A., U. Besenfelder, F. Rings, N. Ghanem, D. Salilew-Wondim, M. M. Hossain, D. Tesfaye, P. Lonergan, a Becker, and U. Cinar, "Effect of reproductive tract environment following controlled ovarian hyperstimulation treatment on embryo development and global transcriptome profile of blastocysts: implications for animal breeding and human assisted reproduction", Human reproduction, vol. 26, issue 7: ESHRE, pp. 1693-1707, 2011. Abstract
Mohammadi-Sangcheshmeh, A., E. Held, N. Ghanem, F. Rings, D. Salilew-Wondim, D. Tesfaye, H. Sieme, K. Schellander, and M. Hoelker, "G6PDH-activity in equine oocytes correlates with morphology, expression of candidate genes for viability, and preimplantative in vitro development", Theriogenology, vol. 76, issue 7: Elsevier, pp. 1215-1226, 2011. Abstract
Salilew-Wondim, D., M. Hölker, F. Rings, N. Ghanem, M. Ulas-Cinar, J. Peippo, E. Tholen, C. Looft, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "Bovine pretransfer endometrium and embryo transcriptome fingerprints as predictors of pregnancy success after embryo transfer", Physiological genomics, vol. 42, issue 2: Am Physiological Soc, pp. 201-218, 2010. Abstract
Tesfaye, D., A. Regassa, F. Rings, N. Ghanem, C. Phatsara, E. Tholen, R. Herwig, C. Un, K. Schellander, and M. Hoelker, "Suppression of the transcription factor MSX1 gene delays bovine preimplantation embryo development in vitro", Reproduction, vol. 139, issue 5: Soc Reprod Fertility, pp. 857-870, 2010. Abstract
Kandil, O. M., N. Ghanem, A. S. S. Abdoon, M. Hölker, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "Transcriptional analysis of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) oocytes during in vitro maturation using bovine cDNA microarray", Reproduction in domestic animals, vol. 45, issue 1: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 63-74, 2010. Abstract
Gad, A., M. Hoelker, F. Rings, N. Ghanem, D. Salilew-Wondim, D. Tesfaye, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, V. Havlicek, and U. Besenfelder, "240 DIFFERENCES IN GLOBAL TRANSCRIPTOME PROFILE OF BOVINE BLASTOCYSTS DERIVED FROM SUPEROVULATED OR SYNCHRONIZED CYCLIC HEIFERS", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 22, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 278-278, 2009. Abstract
Salilew-Wondim, D., N. Ghanem, M. Hoelker, F. Rings, C. Phatsara, E. Tholen, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "248 DIESTRUS TRANSCRIPTOME DYNAMICS OF BOVINE ENDOMETRIUM IN RELATION TO PREGNANCY SUCCESS AFTER EMBRYO TRANSFER", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 22, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 281-282, 2009. Abstract
Torner, H., D. Janowski, N. Ghanem, D. Salilew-Wondim, H. Alm, W. Tomek, T. Viergutz, and D. Tesfaye, "357 MOLECULAR AND SUBCELLULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF BOVINE OOCYTES AND THEIR SURROUNDING FOLLICULAR CELLS IN SUBJECT TO THEIR DEVELOPMENTAL COMPETENCE", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 22, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 335-335, 2009. Abstract
Barkawi, A. H., Y. M. Hafez, S. A. Ibrahim, G. Ashour, A. K. El-Asheeri, and N. Ghanem, "Characteristics of ovarian follicular dynamics throughout the estrous cycle of Egyptian buffaloes", Animal reproduction science, vol. 110, issue 3: Elsevier, pp. 326-334, 2009. Abstract
Hoelker, M., F. Rings, Q. Lund, N. Ghanem, C. Phatsara, J. Griese, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "Effect of the microenvironment and embryo density on developmental characteristics and gene expression profile of bovine preimplantative embryos cultured in vitro", Reproduction, vol. 137, issue 3: Soc Reprod Fertility, pp. 415-425, 2009. Abstract
Tesfaye, D., N. Ghanem, F. Carter, T. Fair, M. - A. Sirard, M. Hoelker, K. Schellander, and P. Lonergan, "Gene expression profile of cumulus cells derived from cumulus–oocyte complexes matured either in vivo or in vitro", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 21, issue 3: CSIRO, pp. 451-461, 2009. Abstract
Hossain, M. M., N. Ghanem, M. Hoelker, F. Rings, C. Phatsara, E. Tholen, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "Identification and characterization of miRNAs expressed in the bovine ovary", BMC genomics, vol. 10, issue 1: BioMed Central, pp. 1, 2009. Abstract
Ghanem Osman Mohamed, N., Molecular genetic analysis of bovine oocytes with different developmental potentials, : Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2009, 2009. Abstract
Salilew-Wondim, D., M. Hoelker, J. Peippo, C. Grosse-Brinkhaus, N. Ghanem, F. Rings, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "Transcriptional profiling of bovine endometrial and embryo biopsies in relation to pregnancy success after embryo transfer", Book of abstracts of the 60th annual meeting of the European association for animal production, Barcelona, Spain, August 24th-27th, 2009: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2009. Abstract
Hoelker, M., N. Gahnem, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "114 DEVELOPMENT OF AN OPTIMIZED WELL IN WELL CULTURE SYSTEM: EFFECT OF MINIWELL CALIBER AND CULTURE DROP VOLUME ON DEVELOPMENTAL COMPETENCE OF BOVINE EMBRYOS", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 21, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 157-157, 2008. Abstract
Ghanem, N., M. Hoelker, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, and D. Tesfaye, "183 EFFECT OF WELL IN WELL CULTURE OF BOVINE EMBRYOS ON GENE EXPRESSION PROFILE", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 21, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 190-191, 2008. Abstract
Salilew-Wondim, D., N. Ghanem, C. Grosse-Brinkhaus, a Becker, F. Rings, M. Hoelker, C. Phatsara, E. Tholen, A. Zimmer, and K. Schellander, "195 TRANSCRIPTOME PROFILING OF BOVINE ENDOMETRIUM BASED ON THE PREGNANCY OUTCOME AFTER TRANSFER OF IN VIVO-DERIVED EMBRYOS", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 21, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 196-196, 2008. Abstract
Tesfaye, D., N. Ghanem, F. Rings, E. Tholen, C. Phatsara, K. Schellander, and M. Hoelker, "196 EMBRYO BIOPSY TRANSCRIPTOMICS: A POTENTIAL TOOL TO IDENTIFY TRANSCRIPTS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE ABILITY OF THE EMBRYO TO INDUCE PREGNANCY AFTER TRANSFER", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 21, issue 1: CSIRO, pp. 196-197, 2008. Abstract
Torner, H., N. Ghanem, C. Ambros, M. Holker, W. Tomek, C. Phatsara, H. Alm, M. - A. Sirard, W. Kanitz, and K. Schellander, "Focus on Mammalian Embryogenomics Molecular and subcellular characterisation of oocytes screened for their developmental competence based on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity", Reproduction, vol. 135, pp. 197-212, 2008. Abstract
Torner, H., N. Ghanem, C. Ambros, M. Hölker, W. Tomek, C. Phatsara, H. Alm, M. - A. Sirard, W. Kanitz, and K. Schellander, "Molecular and subcellular characterisation of oocytes screened for their developmental competence based on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity", Reproduction, vol. 135, issue 2: Soc Reprod Fertility, pp. 197-212, 2008. Abstract
Torner, H., N. Ghanem, C. Ambros, M. Hoelker, W. Tomek, C. Phatsara, H. Alm, W. Kanitz, M. A. Sirard, and K. Schellander, "254 MOLECULAR AND SUBCELLULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF OOCYTES SCREENED FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENTAL COMPETENCE BASED ON G6PDH ACTIVITY", Reproduction, Fertility and Development, vol. 20, issue 1: CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 207-207, 2007. Abstract
Kandil, O. M., A. S. S. Abdoon, N. Ghanem, D. Tesfaye, M. A. Sirard, and K. Schellander, "Transcriptional analysis of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) oocytes using bovine cDNA microarray", REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, vol. 42: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND, pp. 102-102, 2007. Abstract