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Khalifa, S. S., H. S. Hamza, and K. Elsayed, "Inter-cell interference coordination for highly mobile users in LTE-advanced systems", Vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 2013 IEEE 77th: IEEE, pp. 1-5, 2013. Abstract
Moamen, A. A., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "Secure multicast routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks", International Journal of Communication Systems: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013. Abstract
Khalifa, S. S., H. S. Hamza, and K. Elsayed, "Self-adaptive inter-cell interference coordination scheme for LTE systems", Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 1779–1783, 2013. Abstract
Khalifa, S. S., H. S. Hamza, and K. Elsayed, "Self-adaptive inter-cell interference coordination scheme for LTE systems", Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 1779-1783, 2013. Abstract
Hamza, H., A. Kamel, and K. Shams, "Software Effort Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Survey of the Current Practices", Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2013 Tenth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 731–733, 2013. Abstract
Hamza, H., A. Kamel, and K. Shams, "Software effort estimation using artificial neural networks: A survey of the current practices", Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2013 Tenth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 731–733, 2013. Abstract
Hamza, H., A. Kamel, and K. Shams, "Software effort estimation using artificial neural networks: A survey of the current practices", Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2013 Tenth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 731-733, 2013. Abstract
Shams, K. M., H. S. Hamza, and A. Kamel, "Software Effort Estimation using Regularized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks.", SEKE, pp. 473-478, 2013. Abstract
Hamza, A., S. Khalifa, H. Hamza, and K. Elsayed, A Survey on Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Techniques in OFDMA-Based Cellular Networks, : IEEE, 2013. Abstract
Hamza, A. S., S. S. Khalifa, H. S. Hamza, and K. Elsayed, "A survey on inter-cell interference coordination techniques in OFDMA-based cellular networks", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 15, issue 4: IEEE, pp. 1642-1670, 2013. Abstract
Elshaarawy, M., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. H. Taha, "Towards a Unified Framework for Measuring the Properties of Class Diagrams Augmented with OCL (S).", SEKE, pp. 479-482, 2013. Abstract
Abdelsalam, H. M., A. M. Marzouk, and H. S. Hamza, "Assessing the Maturity of Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) Framework in the Egyptian Banking Sector", IT Security Governance Innovations: Theory and Research: Theory and Research: IGI Global, pp. 111, 2012. Abstract
Abdelsalam, H. M., A. M. Marzouk, and H. S. Hamza, "Assessing the Maturity of Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) Framework in the Egyptian Banking Sector", IT Security Governance Innovations: Theory and Research: Theory and Research: IGI Global, pp. 111, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "Convert-and-Deliver: a scalable multicast optical cross-connect with reduced power splitting fan-out", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 62, no. 3: Springer US, pp. 1189–1212, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "Convert-and-Deliver: a scalable multicast optical cross-connect with reduced power splitting fan-out", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 62, no. 3: Springer US, pp. 1189–1212, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., "Convert-and-Deliver: a scalable multicast optical cross-connect with reduced power splitting fan-out", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 62, issue 3: Springer Netherlands, pp. 1189-1212, 2012. Abstract
Abdelsalam, H. M., H. S. Hamza, A. M. Al-Shaar, and A. S. Hamza, "On the Use of Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques for Channel Assignments in Cognitive Radio Networks", Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering and Medicine: IGI Global, pp. 202, 2012. Abstract
Abdelsalam, H. M., H. S. Hamza, A. M. Al-Shaar, and A. S. Hamza, "On the Use of Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques for Channel Assignments in Cognitive Radio Networks", Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine: IGI Global, pp. 202, 2012. Abstract
Abdelsalam, H. M., H. S. Hamza, A. M. Al-Shaar, and A. S. Hamza, "On the use of particle swarm optimization techniques for channel assignments in cognitive radio networks", Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine: IGI Global, pp. 202-214, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, A. S., H. S. Hamza, and M. M. El-Ghoneimy, "Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms", Cognitive Radio and its Application for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks: Springer Netherlands, pp. 259–285, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, A. S., H. S. Hamza, and M. M. El-Ghoneimy, "Spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks using evolutionary algorithms", Cognitive Radio and its Application for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks: Springer Netherlands, pp. 259–285, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, A. S., H. S. Hamza, and M. M. El-Ghoneimy, "Spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks using evolutionary algorithms", Cognitive Radio and its Application for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks: Springer Netherlands, pp. 259-285, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, A. K. Thurimella, and J. S. Deogun, "Third International Workshop on Knowledge-Oriented Product Line Engineering (KOPLE 2012)", Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 1: ACM, pp. 292–293, 2012. Abstract
Hamza, H. S., J. Martinez, A. K. Thurimella, and J. S. Deogun, "Third International Workshop on Knowledge-Oriented Product Line Engineering (KOPLE 2012)", Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 1: ACM, pp. 292–293, 2012. Abstract