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Fahmy, G. M., "Morpho-anatomical and functional relationships between the angiosperm root parasite Cynomorium coccineum L. and its halophytic hosts", Journal of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, vol. 17, pp. 255-270, 1992.
Fahmy, G. M., and S. A. Ouf, "The mucilage glands of Limonium delicatulum (Plumbaginaceae): Secretion and fungal colonization", . Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 19, pp. 789-804, 1992.
Fahmy, G. M., "The nature of salts secreted by the epidermal glands of some halophytes: An energy dispersive X-ray analysis", Egyptian Journal of Applied Science, vol. 6, pp. 410-422, 1991.
El-Tantawy, H., A. K. Hegazy, G. M. Fahmy, and A. E. Hashem, "Drying-out curves, survival and pigment content of two Mediterranean halophytes growing naturally along salinity gradien", Egyptian Journal of Applied Science, vol. 5, pp. 192-207, 1990.
Fahmy, G. M., A. K. Hegazy, and T. H. Hassan, "Phenology, pigment content and diurnal change of proline in green and senescing leaves of three Zygophyllum species.", Flora, vol. 184, pp. 423- 436, 1990.
Hegazy, A. K., G. M. Fahmy, and T. H. Hassan, "Accumulation of proline with respect to the water relations of desert and alpine plants under natural environments.", Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, vol. 3, pp. 247-268, 1989.
Ibrahim, A. A., and G. M. Fahmy, "The significance of anatomical characters in the water economy of some desert plants", Annals of Agricultural Sciences, Moshtohor (Egypt), vol. 23, pp. 145-162, 1985. the_significance_of_anatomical_characters_in_.pdf