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Hefny, M. M., S. A. Salih, A. S. Mogoda, A. A. A. Khalek, and G. A. El-Mahdy, "Currentless behavior of surface oxide films on hafnium in fluoride media with and without cathodic pulsing.", Bull. Electrochem., vol. 7, pp. 41, 1991.
Mogoda, A. S., M. M. Hefny, G. A. El-Mahdy, and M. S. El-Basiouny, "Kinetic studies on the formation and dissolution of the anodic oxide film of tungsten in formic acid solutions.", Bull Soc Chim Fr, vol. 128, pp. 155, 1991.
Hefny, M. M., A. S. Mogoda, S. A. Salih, and H. E. El-Kiky, "Kinetic study of currentless dissolution of bismuth oxide film in aqueous solution containing electroactive species.", Thin solid films , vol. 204, pp. 193, 1991.
Mogoda, A. S., "Kinetics of zirconium passivation in phosphate solutions.", Bull. Electrochem., vol. 7, pp. 9, 1991.
Gadallh, A. G., S. A. Salih, M. M. Hefny, and A. S. Mogoda, "Anodic dissolution of antimony in phosphate solutions.", Corrosion, vol. 46, pp. 214, 1990.
Mogoda, A. S., M. M. Hefny, and G. A. El-Mahdy, "Anodic oxide films on tungsten: formation and dissolution in acetic acid solutions.", Corrosion, vol. 46, pp. 210, 1990.
Gadallh, A. G., A. S. Mogoda, and M. M. Hefny, "Corrosion and corrosion control of zinc by some organic acid anions.", Corrosion Prevention and Control, vol. 37, pp. 47, 1990.
Heakal, E. - T. F., A. S. Mogoda, A. A. Mazhar, and A. A. Ghoneim, "Effect of fluoride media on the stability of anodic ZrO2 films.", Corrosion, vol. 46, pp. 247, 1990.
Mazhar, A. A., E. - T. F. Heakal, and A. S. Mogoda, "Discussion on the behavior of a porous anodic film on aluminum in H3PO4 studied by electrochemical techniques.", Corrosion, vol. 44, pp. 354, 1988.
Badawy, W. A., A. S. Mogoda, and M. M. Ibrahim, "Dissolution behavior of anodic oxide films formed on antimony in fluoride solutions as revealed from impedance and potential measurements.", Electrochim. Acta, vol. 33, pp. 1367, 1988.
Hefny, M. M., A. S. Mogoda, and G. A. El-Mahdy, "Dissolution of tungsten oxide in dicaroxylic acids.", Indian J. Chem. Technol., vol. 26, pp. 395, 1988.
Hefny, M. M., A. S. Mogoda, and G. A. El-Mahdy, "The electrochemical behavior of tungsten oxide / tungsten in acidic fluoride media.", Bull. Electrochem., vol. 4, pp. 399, 1988.
Hefny, M. M., A. G. Gadallh, and A. S. Mogoda, "Currentless dissolution of anodic tungsten oxide in chloride media.", Annali di Chimica, vol. 77, pp. 951, 1987.
Heakal, E. - T. F., A. S. Mogoda, A. A. Mazhar, and M. S. El-Basiouny, "film on titanium in phosphoric acid solutions Kinetic studies on the dissolution of the anodic oxide. ", Corrosion Sci., vol. 27, pp. 453, 1987.
Hefny, M. M., A. G. Gadallh, and A. S. Mogoda, "Some Physicochemical Properties of the anodic oxide film on tungsten.", Bull. Electrochem., vol. 3, pp. 11, 1987.
Hefny, M. M., A. S. Mogoda, and M. S. El-Basiouny, "Profiles of defects in anodic oxide films deduced from dissolution studies.", Br. Corros. J., vol. 21, pp. 109, 1986.
Hefny, M. M., W. A. Badawy, A. S. Mogoda, and M. S. El-Basiouny, "Electrochemical behavior of anodic oxide films on antimony in phosphate solutions.", Electrochim. Acta, vol. 30, pp. 1017, 1985.
El-Basiouny, M. S., M. M. Hefny, and A. S. Mogoda, "Influence of formation and dissolution environment on dissolution Kinetics of anodic oxide films on antimony", Corrosion, vol. 41, pp. 611, 1985.
El-Basiouny, M. S., M. M. Hefny, and A. S. Mogoda, "Electrochemical study of Currentless dissolution of antimony oxide / antimony in H2SO4.", Annali di Chimica, vol. 74, pp. 729, 1984.
Hefny, M. M., M. S. El-Basiouny, and A.S.Mogoda, "On the electrochemical behavior of anodic oxide films on tungsten in phosphate solutions", Corrosion, vol. 39, pp. 266., 1983.