Khalil, E. E., A. E. Eldegwy, S. M. Morcos, and A. S. Sabry,
"CFD Investigation for Minimizing the Contaminant Concentrations in the Air-Conditioned Surgical Operating Theatres",
Proceedings of ICFD11, Eleventh International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, , Paper ICFD11-EG-4108 ,, Alexandria, December, 2013.
Salem, M. A., E. E. Khalil, G. M. ElHarriry, and H. Othman,
"Flow Regimes and Thermal Characteristics In Air Conditioned Office:",
Personalized Ventilation Versus Underfloor Supply, Proceedings of ICFD11, Eleventh International Conference of Fluid ,paper 4115, Alexandria, December, 2013.
Khalil, E. E., S. M. Morcos, M. A. Fouad, and A. Shabaan,
"On the Computations of Indoor Air Quality in a Chemical Laboratory: 3 Dimensional Approach,",
Proceedings of ICFD11, Eleventh International Conference of Fluid Dynamics, , Paper ICFD11-EG-4109, Alexandria, December, 2013.
Khalil, E. E., and E. M. ElBialy,
",Air Flow Regimes and Thermal Comfort in a Living Room",
ASHRAE Transactions,, vol. 119, issue 1, pp. 1-8, 2013.
Khalil, E. E.,
"Design of Energy Efficient Built Environment,",
ASHRAE, Energy in Building Conference, Athens, November 2013., Athens, ASHRAE, pp. 23-35, 2013.
Khalil, E. E., D. V. Dijk, J. Santesson, S. Turner, and E. Ofverholm,
"Green buildings – Laying Tomorrow' Foundations today",
ISO Focus, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 13-15, 2013.
Khalil, E. E., T. M. ElGamal, H. Haridy, and E. AbouSerie,
"Influence of Smoothing Length and Virtual Particles on SPH Accuracy",
IJMMM, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 166-170, 2013.
Khalil, E. E.,
"Thermal Comfort in Air Conditioned Places of Worship, ",
Proceedings of SUDBE Conference,October, Chongqing,China, SUDBE, pp. 100-123, 2013.