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Aramaki, T., M. Galal, K. Hanaki, and K. Hasegawa, "Evaluation of Health Risk Reduction And Additional Environmental Loading by Installation of Water Supply And Wastewater Treatment Systems", The 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation, Changchun, China, 2004.
Hamed, M. M., M. G. Khalafallah, and E. A. Hassanien, "Prediction of wastewater treatment plant performance using artificial neural networks", Environmental Modeling & Software, vol. 19, issue 10, pp. 919-928, 2004.
Galal, M., T. Aramaki, and K. Hanaki, "Risk Reduction And Increased Environmental Loading in Water Purification Process", International Conference on Future Vision And Challenges For Urban Development, HBRC, Cairo, Egypt, 2004.
Galal, M., T. Aramaki, and K. Hanaki, "Trade Off Between Improvement in Sanitation And Environmental Impact of Water Supply System in Egypt", The Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance- Developing and Systematizing of EcoBalance Tools based on Life-Cycle Thinking, Tsukuba, Japan, 2004.