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Abd EI-Kawy, M.A., E. H. K.A, E. L. - B. A.F, H. A. El-Enshasy, and A. E.M, "Optimization of rifamycin B production through improvement of cultivation conditions and medium composition, ", The second International Conference of Genetic Engineering and its Applications, Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai , November,, 2006.
Abdel-Kawy, M. A., M. S. Abdel-Kader, A. J. Al-Rehaily, and K. H. El-Taher, "Hypoglycemic and antidiabetic activit of some Saudi plants", 9 th Iternational Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, , King Saud University, April,2005.
Abd-Elmaksoud, I., M. A. Abdel-Kawy, S. El-Kousy, N. Rizk, and M. Al-Saman, "Extraction and purification of lectin from Jatropha curcas amd its application on Banana root-knot Nematode", Minufiya J. Agric.Res., vol. 30, issue 5, pp. 1443, 2005.
Haggag, M. Y., A. M. A. Kawy, N. M. Sokkar, A. A. A. Motaal, and F. Ramzy, "Phytochemical and Biological studies of Primula Malacoides (Franch) cultivated in Egypt.", Az. I, Pharm. Sci., , vol. 30,, pp. 115, 2002.
M.A., F. M., Hashim, M. Y. M., and H. H. Eid, "Phytochemical and Biological studies of Hibiscus trionum L. and H. esculentus L. Var. Balady and Golden Cost", 5th Scientific Conference, National Organization For Drug Control and Research, Cairo, Egypt, April 2000.
M.A., H. M. Y., S. N. M., and A. - M. A. A., "Botanical study of Root, Rhizome, Leaf and Flower of Primula malacoides (Franc.) and its Pharmacological activity", 5th Scientific Conference, National Organization For Drug Control and Research,, Cairo, Egypt, Apri1 2000.
Abd EI-Kawy, M. A., S. EI-Deib, Z. EI- Khyat, and Y. A. Mikhail, "Chemical and Biological studies of Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Del. part I,", Egypt. I. Biomed Sci., , vol. 6, pp. 204-215, 2000.
Abd EI-Kawy, M. A., S. EI-Deib, R. A. Hanna, Z. EI- Khyat, and Y. A. Mikhail, "Chemical and Biological studies of Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Del. Part II", Egypt. I. Biomed Sci.,, vol. 6,, pp. 219, 2000.
M.A., E. - K. Z., A. - S. S., and S. M. H., "Phytochemical, biological and clinical studies of immature fruits of Vitis vinifera", Symposium on a new trends in treatment of some endemic diseases using herbal medicine, Mansura Univ, Nov. 1998.
Kawy, A. E. -, Selim, S., M. S. Magd, and Abdel- Rhaman, E. H., "Essential oil of leaves of Persea americana (Mill.),", XXVI, Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Pharmaceutical Society, of Egypt,, Cairo, Egypt, Dec.,1998.
Kawy, A. E. -, M. A. Selim, M. A. Magd, and Abdel- Rhaman, E. H., "A Pharmacognostical study of the leaf, stem, bark of Persea americana (Mill.)", XXVI, Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Pharmaceutical Society, of Egypt,, Cairo, Egypt, Dec.,1998.
M.A. Abdel Kawy, M. Hashem, Y. Mirham, and H. H. Eid, "Volatile and Non- volatile components of Hibiscus trionum and two varieties of H. esculentus. Var .Balady and Golden Cost", XXVI Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences,, Cairo, Egypt, Dec.,1998.
M.A., F. M., Hashim, M. Y. M., and H. H. Eid, "Macro- and micromrophology of Hibiscus trionum L. and H, esculentus L. Var .Balady and Golden Cost, Part I, The Root, Stem and Leaf;", XXIV Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, , Cairo, Egypt, Dec.,1994.
M.A., A. E. - K., H. F. M., M. Y. M., and H. H. Eid, "Macro- and micromrophology of Hibiscus trionum L. and H. esculentus L. Var .Balady and Golden Cost, Part II, The Flower, Seed and Fruit; ", XXIV Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, , Cairo, Egypt, Dec.,1994.
Kawy, A. E. - M. A., F. M. Soliman, E. A. El-Kashoury, and E. - A. M. Fishawy, "Analysis of the essential oil of Laurus nobilis L", Bull. Fac. Pharm., Cairo Univ., vol. 32, pp. 387, 1994.
El-Kawy, A. M. A., F. M. Soliman, E. - E. A. Kashoury, and E. A. M. -Fishawy, "Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the Essential oil of Alpinia nutans roscoe. ", Bull. Fac. Pharm., Cairo Univ., vol. 32, pp. 235, 1994.
F. M. Soliman, M. A., A. E. - Kawy, E. - A. M.; Fishawy, and E.A.; El-Kashoury, "Essential oil of Aegle marmelus corr", Bull. Fac. Pharm., Cairo Univ., vol. 32, pp. 249, 1994.
Hommerschmidt, F. I., A. E. - M. A. Kawy, F. A. T. H. Y. M. SOLIMAN, A. M. dark, E. - S. E. - A. Kashoury, and A. E. - M. Fishawy, "Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential oils of Jasonia candicans and J montana", Planta Med., vol. 59, pp. 68, 1993.
Abdel-Kawy, M. A., A. M. El-Fishawy, E. A. El-Kashoury, and F. M. Soliman., "Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential oil from Feronia elephantum correa", Zag. I. Pharm. Sci., vol. 2, pp. 150, 1993.
Kawy, A. E. -, E. - E. A.; Kashoury, E. - A. M.; Fishawy, M. A. Ramadan, and F. M. Soliman, "Investigation of lipids, mucilage and antimicrobial activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk) A.Juss", Bull. Fac. Pharm., Cairo Univ , vol. 30, pp. 57, 1992.
E.A.; El-Kashoury, M.A., A. M.; El- Fishawy, and F. M. Soliman, "Alkaloids, Coumarins and Lignans of the genus Haplophyllum ", Bull. Fac. Pharm., Cairo Univ., vol. 29, pp. 1, 1991.
E-J.; Brunke, A. E. - K. M.A., F. - J.; Hammerschmidt, A. M.; El-Fishawy, E. - E. A.; Kashoury, and F. M. Soliman, "Essential oil and fatty acids of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk) A. Juss", Herba, Hungarica,, vol. 30, pp. 34, 1991.
Kawy, A. E. - M. A., "Macro- and Micromorphology of Glaucium corniculatum curt Part 1 : The Root, Stem and Leaf. ", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., vol. 29, pp. 93, 1991.
Yang, S. S.;, T. J.; Mabry, A. E. - K. M.A., E. - A. M.; Fishawy, E. - E. A.; Kashoury, and F. M. Soliman, "Flavonoids of Cleome droserifolia (Forssk) Del", Egypt, J. Pharm. ScL, , vol. 31, pp. 443, 1990.
Kawy, A. E. -, E. - K. E.A., E. - A. M.; Fishawy, A. H. Atta, and F. M. Soliman, "Alkaloids and lignans of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk) A. Juss.", Egypt, J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 30, pp. 299, 1989.