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UW, Schaefer, Mahmoud HK, Beelen DW, Hoffmann W, Becher R, Schmidt CG, Bamberg M, Quast U, Haralambie E, Linzenmeier G et al. "Bone marrow transplantation in severe aplastic anemia and acute or chronic leukemia." Strahlenther Onkol (1986). AbstractWebsite
H, Grosse-Wilde, Krumbacher K, Sch? F, Doxiadis I, Mahmoud HK, Emde C, Schmidt-Weinmar A, and Schaefer UW. "Immune transfer studies in canine allogeneic marrow graft donor-recipient pairs." Transplantation (1986). AbstractWebsite
W, Luboldt, Henneberg-Quester KB, Schaefer UW, Beelen D, Mahmoud HK, and Schmidt CG. "[Experiences in thrombocyte substitution following bone marrow transplantation]." Beitr Infusionther Klin Ernahr (1986). AbstractWebsite
DW, Beelen, Mahmoud HK, Mlynek ML, Schmidt U, Richter HJ, and Schaefer UW. "[Toxoplasmosis after bone marrow transplantation]." Immun Infekt (1986). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Schaefer UW, Sch? F, Beelen D, Becher R, Schmidt CG, Alberti W, Haralambie E, Linzenmeier G, Stollmann B et al. "Bone marrow transplantation for chronic granulocytic leukaemia." Klin Wochenschr (1985). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Schaefer UW, Sch? F, Schmidt CG, Grosse-Wilde H, Becher R, and Luboldt W. "Late relapse of acute nonlymphoblastic leukaemia 6 years following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation." Br J Haematol (1985). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Schaefer UW, Schmidt CG, Becher R, G? GF, and Richter HJ. "Marrow transplantation for pancytopenia in dyskeratosis congenita." Blut (1985). AbstractWebsite
R, Becher, Mahmoud HK, Schaefer UW, and Schmidt CG. "Ph-positive CML in a family with a constitutional Robertsonian translocation 14." Cancer Genet Cytogenet (1985). AbstractWebsite
ML, Mlynek, Mahmoud HK, and Leder LD. "Relapsing acute non-lymphatic leukemia with changing phenotypes." Klin Wochenschr (1985). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Ohl S, Schaefer UW, Beelen D, Grosse-Wilde H, Doxiadis I, Richter HJ, and Schmidt CG. "Treatment of hairy-cell leukemia with recombinant leukocyte A interferon." Onkologie (1985). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Beelen D, Schaefer UW, and Schmidt CG. "[Complication-free pregnancy following bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia]." Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd (1985). AbstractWebsite
DW, Beelen, Neumann MC, Mahmoud HK, Henneberg K, Thraenhart O, and Schaefer UW. "[Cytomegalovirus hyperimmune globulin and cytomegalovirus-tested blood products–a pilot study in bone marrow graft recipients]." Immun Infekt (1985). AbstractWebsite
A, Nonnenmacher, Borgmann H, Mahmoud HK, and Schaefer UW. "[Eye changes following bone marrow transplantation]." Klin Monbl Augenheilkd (1985). AbstractWebsite
R, Becher, Ohl S, Schaefer UW, Wendehorst E, Quiskamp F, Mahmoud HK, Sch? F, and Schmidt CG. "Clonal evolution with isodicentric Ph1 chromosome in Ph1-positive CML: karyotypic conversion after bone marrow transplantation." Blut (1984). AbstractWebsite
HK, Mahmoud, Schaefer UW, Sch? F, Schmidt CG, Bamberg M, Haralambie E, Linzenmeier G, Hantschke D, Grosse-Wilde H, Luboldt W et al. "Laminar air flow versus barrier nursing in marrow transplant recipients." Blut (1984). AbstractWebsite
UW, Schaefer, Mahmoud HK, Sch? F, Schmidt CG, Becher R, Nowrousian MR, Ohl S, Wetter O, Bamberg M, Alberti W et al. "[Bone marrow transplantation in panmyelopathies and leukemias with special regard to gnotobiotic measures]." Dtsch Med Wochenschr (1984). AbstractWebsite