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Fahmy, G. M., and A. - T. F. Roda, "Effect of the rare tree Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce on its understorey in the desert of Qatar.", . A paper Presented before the International Conference on Desertification Control in the Arid Region (May 12-15/2007), State of Kuwait., 2007.
Al-Thani, N. J., E. Roda F. Al-Thani, A. M. M. Bari, G. M. Fahmy, and M. S. Abdel-Dayem., "The Ghaf Tree: Endangered in the State of Qatar and Arid Regions. In Arabic. Translated into Arabic and summarized form the published text", Published by National Council for Culture, Arts and Heritage and Environmental Studies Centre (ESC), Qatar University, 2007.
Fahmy, G. M., A. K. Hegazy, M. I. Ali, and N. H. Gomaa, "Structure-function relations of leaves in 24 species of winter and summer weeds", Global Journal of Environmental Research, vol. 1(3), pp. 103-116, 2007.
Fahmy, G. M., D. F. Gaff, and M. M. Abd El Ghani, "Does Egypt represent an ecological limit to the desiccation tolerant plants?", Qatar University Scientific Journal, vol. 26, pp. 91-100, 2006.
Fahmy, G. M., and R. F. Al-Thani, "Ecology of Halophytes and their Bacterial Inhabitants in the Coastal Salt Marsh of Al-Dhakhira, Qatar", Environmental Studies Centre (ESC), University of Qatar, P.O. Box 2713, , Doha, Qatar. , 2006.
Hegazy, A. K., G. M. Fahmy, M. I. Ali, and N. H. Gomaa, "Growth and phenology of eight common weed species.", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 61, pp. 171-183, 2005.
Zeid, I. M., G. M. Fahmy, L. M. Hassan, and A. M. E. M. Farahat, "Effect of Fuel Oil (mazot) Combustion Products on Spinach", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Biological Sciences, Tanta Univ., 28-29 April 2004. , vol. 3, pp. 482-499, 2004.
Fahmy, G. M., I. M. Zeid, L. M. Hassan, and A. M. M. E. Farahat, "Impacts of Fuel Oil (Mazot) Combustion Products of Brick-Kilns on Air Quality and on Two Economic Plants. ", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Biological Sciences, Tanta Univ., 28-29 April 2004. Vol 3:463-481., 2004.
Hegazy, A. K., G. M. Fahmy, M. I. Ali, and N. H. Gomaa, "Vegetation diversity in natural and agro-ecosystems of arid lands", Community Ecology, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 163-176, 2004.
Hegazy, A. K., and G. M. Fahmy, "Host-parasite allelophathic potential in arid desert plants. In: F. A. Macias, J. C. G. Galindo, J. M. G. Molinillo and H. G. Culter (eds.); Recent Advances in Allelapathy.", A Science for the Future. First World Congress on Allelopathy, 16-20 September, 1999.
Fahmy, G. M., "Ecophysiology of the angiosperm root parasite Cistanche phelypaea and its host Atriplex leucoclada.", El- Minia Science Bulletin, , vol. 12(1), pp. 37-54, 1999.
Fahmy, A. E. Dowidar, and H. M. A. Lila, "Salt tolerance in cultivated tomato: Comparative performance of an Egyptian indigenous cultivar and an introduced improved one.", EI- Minia Science Bulletin, vol. 12(1), pp. 55- 66, 1999.
Fahmy, G. M., and S. A. Ouf, "Significance of micro climate on phylloplane mycoflora of green and senescing leaves of Zygophyllum album L.", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 41, pp. 257-276, 1999.
Fahmy, G. M., "Water requirements of soil and crops (in Arabic).", Assiut Journal for Environmental Studies, vol. 17, pp. 73-93, 1999.
Abd EI- Rahim, M. F., G. M. Fahmy, and Z. M. Fahmy, "Alterations in transpiration and stem vascular tissues of two maize cultivars under conditions of water stress and late wilt disease. ", Plant Pathology, vol. 47, pp. 216-223, 1998.
Fahmy, G. M., H. El-Tantawy, and M. M. Abd El Ghani, "Distribution, host range and biomass of two species of Cistanche and Orobanche cernua parasitizing the roots of some Egyptian xerophytes.", . Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 34, pp. 263-276, 1996.
Migahid, A. M., Fahmy, A. H. Abou EI-Leil, and A. E. I. ¬L. H. Amany, "A biological study on the problems of aquatic weeds that threaten the irrigation and drainage canals in Egypt and how to make benefit of them", Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology, Project Number 121. Final Research Report of 173 pages., 1995.
Migahid, A. M., G. M. Fahmy, Abou EI-Leil, A.H., and A. E. I. L. H. Amany, "A biological study on the problems of aquatic weeds that threaten the irrigation and drainage canals in Egypt and how to make benefit of them.", . Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology, Project Number 121. Research Report Number 2. 55 pages + Appendix of one map + 60 coloured photos., 1995.
Migahid, A. M., G. M. Fahmy, and others, "A biological study on the problems of aquatic weeds that threaten the irrigation and drainage canals in Egypt and how to make benefit of them", Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology, Project Number 121. Research Report Number 1. 88 pages + Appendix of 4 maps, 10 figures and 42 coloured photos, 1994.
g. Fahmy, M., and S. A. Nadia, "Aspects of leaf senescence in desert plants: 1. Ionic composition, carbohydrates and total protein of green and senescing leaves of four species in Zygophyllaceae", Journal of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, , vol. 17, pp. 101-116, 1992.
Batanouny, K. H., A. H. Hassan, and G. M. Fahmy, "Eco-physiological studies on halophytes in arid and semi- arid zones", . II- Ecophysiology of Limonium delicatulum (Gir.) Ktze. Flora,, vol. 186, pp. 105-116, 1992.