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et el 52- Rashwan, M., "Building an Arabic lexical Semantic Analyzer;", 7th International Computing Conference in Arabic (ICCA2011), Riyadh, KSA., 2011. Abstract
H. Ahmed, H. Samy, Q. A. R. K. M. R. M., "Document Analysis and Preprocessing of Arabic OCR", ALTIC -2011, Alexandria, Egypt, pp. www–ALTEC, 2011. Abstract
Hanaa Bayomi Ali, Samir Abd\_Elrahman, M. R., "Generating lexical resources for Opinion Mining in Arabic language automatically;", The proceedings of the 10th Conference on Language Engineering; the Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ESLE), 2011. Abstract
Aya Abed, Fatma Tarek, M. F. M. E. A. R. M., "SEARCH ENGINE FOR SCANNED ARABIC DOCUMENTS", ALTIC -2011, Alexandria, Egypt:, 2011. Abstract
Al Sallab, A. A., and M. A. Rashwan, "Self learning machines using Deep Networks", Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR), 2011 International Conference of: IEEE, pp. 21–26, 2011. Abstract
Rashwan, M. A. A., M. A. S. A. A. Al-Badrashiny, M. Attia, S. M. Abdou, and A. Rafea, "A stochastic Arabic diacritizer based on a hybrid of factorized and unfactorized textual features", Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 19, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 166–175, 2011. Abstract
Eid S., Alsaid A. Wanas N., R. H. M. N., "A Comparative Study of Rocchio Classifier Applied to supervised WSD Using Arabic Lexical Samples;", The proceedings of the 10th Conference on Language Engineering; CLE’2010, the Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ESOLE) http:// Cairo- Egypt, Dec. 2010.:,, 2010. Abstract
Elanwar, R. I., M. A. Rashwan, and S. A. Mashali, "OHASD: the first on-line Arabic sentence database handwritten on tablet PC", Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), International conference on International Conference on Signal and Image Processing ICSIP, vol. 69, pp. 910–915, 2010. Abstract
Attia, M., M. A. A. Rashwan, and M. S. M. El-Mahallawy, "Autonomously normalized horizontal differentials as features for hmm-based omni font-written ocr systems for cursively scripted languages", Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), 2009 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 185–190, 2009. Abstract
Rashwan, M., E. Khalil, and A. Rafea, "Comparison between two Arabic tagsets", Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2009. NLP-KE 2009. International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–8, 2009. Abstract
Attia, M., M. Rashwan, and M. A. S. A. A. Al-Badrashiny, "Fassieh{\={}}, a Semi-Automatic Visual Interactive Tool for Morphological, PoS-Tags, Phonetic, and Semantic Annotation of Arabic Text Corpora", Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 17, no. 5: IEEE, pp. 916–925, 2009. Abstract
1- Ahmad A. Al Sallab, Hossam Fahmy, M. R., "Hardware Implementation of Distributed Speech Recognition Front End", 17th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2009, 2009. Abstract
Hosam Hammady, Sherif Abdou, M. S., "An HMM System for Recognizing Articulation Features for Arabic Phones,", Arabic Resources and Tools Conference: MEDAR, Cairo, Egypt, April. 2009.:,, 2009. Abstract
Rashwan, M., M. Al-Badrashiny, M. Attia, and S. Abdou, "A hybrid system for automatic arabic diacritization", The 2nd International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, 2009. Abstract
Al Sallab, A. A., H. Fahmy, and M. Rashwan, "Optimized hardware implementation of FFT processor", Design and Test Workshop (IDT), 2009 4th International: IEEE, pp. 1–5, 2009. Abstract
Moftah, M., W. Fakhr, S. Abdou, and M. Rashwan, "Stem-based Arabic language models experiments", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, Cairo, Egypt, April. The MEDAR Consortium, 2009. Abstract
Rashwan, M., M. Al Badrashiny, M. Attia, S. Abdou, and A. Rafea, "Stochastic Arabic hybrid diacritizer", Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2009. NLP-KE 2009. International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–8, 2009. Abstract
Attia, M., M. Rashwan, A. Ragheb, M. Al-Badrashiny, H. Al-Basoumy, and S. Abdou, "A compact Arabic lexical semantics language resource based on the theory of semantic fields", Advances in Natural Language Processing: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 65–76, 2008. Abstract
Attia, M., R. R. A. - B. M. A., "A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields,", LREC2008 conference , Marrakech-Morocco,:, 2008. Abstract
Rashwan, M., A. - B. A. M. M., "Experiments for Automatic Arabic Diacritization,", The proceedings of the 8th Conference on Language Engineering; CLE’2008, the Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ESOLE) , Cairo- Egypt, Dec. 2008.:, 2008. Abstract
Hammady, H., O. Badawy, S. Abdou, and M. Rashwan, "An HMM system for recognizing articulation features for Arabic phones", Computer Engineering & Systems, 2008. ICCES 2008. International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 125–130, 2008. Abstract
El Anwar, R., R. M. I. M. M., "Arabic Handwritten Script Recognition Towards Generalization:,", the 7th Conference on Engineering Language, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Organized by The Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ESLE);:, 2007. Abstract
Rashwan, M. A., M. W. Fakhr, M. Attia, and M. S. El-Mahallawy, "Arabic OCR system analogous to HMM-based ASR systems; Implementation and evaluation", JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE-CAIRO-, vol. 54, no. 6: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING CAIRO UNIVERSITY, pp. 653, 2007. Abstract
Samir, A., S. M. Abdou, A. H. Khalil, and M. Rashwan, "Enhancing usability of CAPL system for Qur’an recitation learning", Eighth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2007. Abstract
Magdy, W., K. Darwish, and M. Rashwan, "Fusion of multiple corrupted transmissions and its effect on information retrieval", Seventh Conference on Language Engineering, ESOLEC, pp. 351–358, 2007. Abstract