Prof. of Parasitology |
Assistant professor |
hananeeyr's web site |
Assistant Lecturer |
Associate professor in Food Science, Microbial Biotechnology |
Researcher and Teaching Assistant |
Associate Professor, Mineralogy and Petrology |
Professor of Geoarchaeology |
Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts |
Assistant Lecturer, Jewish Religious Thought, Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, Faculty of Arts |
Assistant Lecture, Turkish Language and Literature, |
professor of Ethiopic language |
saraelsayed637's web site |
Lecturer |
Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Macroeconomics, Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University. |
Professor of Information Systems, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University |
lecturer of medical biochemistry and molecular biology |
associate prof of Journalism |
Lecturer Music Psychology in Education |
demonstrator at Art Education Department |
Assistant Lecturer, Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Cairo University. |
Prof of Dermatology أستاذ الجلدية بالقصرالعينى- جامعة القاهرة |
Professor of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. |