Prof. of Parasitology

Assistant professor

hananeeyr's web site

Assistant Lecturer

Associate professor in Food Science, Microbial Biotechnology

Researcher and Teaching Assistant

Associate Professor, Mineralogy and Petrology

Professor of Geoarchaeology

Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts

Assistant Lecturer, Jewish Religious Thought, Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, Faculty of Arts

Assistant Lecture, Turkish Language and Literature,

professor of Ethiopic language

saraelsayed637's web site


Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Macroeconomics, Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University.


Professor of Information Systems, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University

lecturer of medical biochemistry and molecular biology

associate prof of Journalism

Lecturer Music Psychology in Education

demonstrator at Art Education Department

Assistant Lecturer, Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Cairo University.

Prof of Dermatology أستاذ الجلدية بالقصرالعينى- جامعة القاهرة

Professor of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.