
Mohamed A. Y. Abdalla was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1978. He received the PH.D. degree in Electrical & Comp. Eng. from the University of Toronto, ON, Canada in 2008, and the M.Sc. & B.Sc. degrees in Electronics & Comm. Eng. from Cairo University, Egypt in 2002 & 2000, respectively. In Fall 2008, Mr. Abdalla joined Gennum Corp., and was part of the Snowbush-IP R&D group where he was working on system and circuit level designs for 1-28Gbps serial links for wireline and optical transceivers. Following that he moved Egypt as a lecturer at the Dept. of Electronics & Communications, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, and has beed working on analog/mixed signal and integrated RF/mm-wave wireless transiceivers.

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