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Saied, G. M., and K. G. Moustafa, "Carcinoma of the unrivaled bilharzial urinary bladder of Egyptians: Expanding radiotherapy and decline of obligate cystectomy—Historic perspective and a demonstration study of 34 patients.", J Clin Oncol 31, vol. 31, issue 15, 2013. Abstract

Background: The objective is to validate the new clinicopathological features involving carcinoma of the unrivaled urinary bladder of Egyptian patients, alongside studying their reflection on management. Methods: Timely contributions of leading Egyptian experts in bladder cancer in the last 4 decades were reviewed. Additionally, 34 patients were studied in 2 subsets based on planned treatment modality: group A (12 cases) treated by cystectomy and group B (22 cases) treated by transurethral resection plus stipulated radiotherapy. Treatment results were evaluated. Results: An overview of studies published in the last 4 decades is given, demonstrating a striking change in the characteristic features of bladder carcinoma in this country, more obvious in 2007 and after. Present work revealed 44.1% of patients had their tumor erupting in a bilharzial bladder where walls demonstrated classical cystoscopic features of the disease. Histologically 86.7 % of them were squamous cell carcinoma. Almost 60% of patients had had their tumors in a non-bilharzial bladder, 94.7% of them were transitional cell carcinoma. Thirteen out of 15 patients in group A were treated by cystectomy carrying 7.7 % perioperative mortality, whereas 11 out of 12 patients in group B received radiotherapy preceded by transurethral resection. Distribution of clinicopathological findings and treatment modalities is tabulated. Conclusions: Bladder cancer in Egyptian patients has lost its weird features imposed by bilharzial cystitis. It is shifting towards alien types making it suitable for organ preserving management.
