Eldin, A. M., E. Hossny, K. Wassif, and F. A. Omara, "Survey of Blockchain Methodologies in The Healthcare Industry", 5th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICCI), 2022. survey_of_blockchain_methodologies_in_the_healthcare_industry.pdf


Prepared Midterm and Final exams for Compiler Course (2019/2020)

semster: summer


Fundamentals of Computer Sciences (2019/2020)

      semster: fall


BlockChain Specialiest

Attend the following Courses


My PhD Thesis

This is a doc for my Phd thesis

emanhossnythesis.pdf4.69 MB

Thesis Chapter 3

This chapter provides a survey about the research efforts to solve the vendor lock-in problem. The chapter ends with a comparison between our STAGER framework and the related work

emanhossny_latex_thesis_chapter3.pdf291.83 KB
Hossny, E., S. Khattab, F. Omara, and H. Hassan, "Towards a standard PaaS implementation API: A standard cloud persistent-storage API", Presented in 3rd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference ICACON 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 21 May, 2015.

STAGER Framework Technical Report

This is the full paper of my STAGER framework. Currently, this paper is under review of IEEE TCS journal. 

The STAGER framework can be used automatically generate the adapters of a generic API. It is based mainly on semantic annotations

stager_manuscript_underreview.pdf1.7 MB
Hossny, E., S. Kattab, F. Omara, and H. Hassan, "Extending Generic PaaS Deployment API: Repackaging and Deploying Applications on Hetergeneous PaaS Platforms", International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 257-269, 2016.
Hossny, E., S. Khattab, F. A. Omara, and H. Hassan, "Semantic-based Generation of generic-API Adapters for Portable Cloud Applications", Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures & Platforms, London, UK, pp. 1:5, 2016.